The final destination (Mostly full) 🗝

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The final destination AU (Contains Headcanons such as trans Tubbo :)

So as you can tell by the title that this is based on the final destination movies and analysis.

The main group:

Tubbo,Tommy and Ranboo

If any of these content creators are uncomfortable with any of the stuff that's down below please tell me I don't want to make anybody uncomfortable with this oneshot.


-Majordeath/Gore-ish/premonitions/Slight cussing/Transphobia

(I will also like to note ranboo is still wearing his mask and glasses [at all time] and i WILL NOT go into detail about him and his appearance )


Death finds a way. It always does, whether it's realistic or utterly ridiculous.Just know that you have a life but death will try to take that away from you. . .and it will

Tubbo pov

I was nervous. .I mean who wouldn't feel this way? This is my first time on a rollercoaster!

Ranboo says it will be fun, but he's an american. . .so i can't really trust him.I was dreading this day ever since he suggested the idea,i was going to disagree but Tommy jumped in and agreed.

. .i didn't want to be a bother so I agreed but. .oh boy that was a mistake. .

As we were waiting in line. .i could feel the anxiety brewing inside of me.The fear plastered on my face but nobody seemed to notice but they did notice how I was slowly leaving the conversation.

"Tubbo are you okay"asked Tommy with a worried tone

I quickly respond with a hushed "yes,im okay"

"You sur-"

I cut him off with a "Tommy i'm fine"

He looks at me with an annoyed face but quickly drops it to resume his conversation with ranboo.

As we continue walking in the line we finally get our tickets to confirm our seats.

I look down at my ticket and see the number "180" which totally doesn't raise red flags. . .

I look over at Tommy's ticket and see the same number. .Okay this is not strange at all. .right?

I start internally panicking but I mutter to myself that , since we got these tickets as a group. .they're just again grouping us up.

This is fine..Im okay

I take another look at the ticket and I look to the side of me to see tommy. .

Y'know what i'm gonna be okay.Im just scared that's all. ..

I took another look at Tommy to apologize for being a dick.He was just trying to make sure i was comfortable with this situation.

I see Tommy getting pushed by the force of the wind which leads him to fall back and get his jean jacket stuck by a near nail on the ground.

I see ranboo rush in to help Tommy but that was quickly interrupted by an unstable railing from another roller coaster falling on top of them crushing them in the process.

. .but it escalates more when somebody pushes me in the rubble trying to escape this disaster,which i look up and see more unstable railings slowly falling on top of me. .

. .but it ends there. .i quickly snapped out of the dissociative state I was in.I feel my surroundings slowly shift into the original place I was in.

I look back to see the same nail on the ground sticking out just waiting to cause destruction.

I look up and see the same railing that killed tommy and ranboo.It was an old rusty railing with the red paint chipping.

As it all comes back to me I scream my lungs out. .which alerts tommy,Ranboo and everybody else waiting in the line.

I grab tommy by the cuffs of his jean jacket and lead him towards the exit which promptly alerts ranboo to follow.

Tommy shifts and whines and was about to say something but was quickly interrupted by the loud screams of the people in back of us.



WE CAN FIND OUT!"I yelled, tightening my grip on his jean jacket.

"Tommy would you please calm down?'' Ranboo muttered from behind the both of us.

"TUBBO STARTED IT FIRST THOUGH. . .With his . . .panicky shit. ."he says while taking breaths in between words.

I stopped in my tracks when I saw the police.I let go of Tommy's jacket, him promptly rubbing his wrist from the pressure from my grip.

Me tommy and ranboo carefully walk past them. .but as we're walking i make eye contact with one of them.

. . .Chief Philza

"Hello mate!" He says cheerfully like he forgets he's in a crime scene.

"Hello Mr Craft"Tommy said snarling (A/n i dont know what i'm doing T-T)

"Tommy calm down."Ranboo says from behind us, yanking his hand and putting it on top of his shoulder.tommy quickly shoves off his hand from his shoulder "Piss off Memory boy"

Ranboo gives him the "Look" which usually means and i quote "I'M JUST TRYING TO LOOK OUT FOR YOU DUMB BITCH."


Tommy looks back to Philza. .You see Phil and Tommy don't get along.When I Came out to phil.Phil didn't take it well and Deadnamed/Misgendered me for half of my life.Until i finally moved out with Tommy and ranboo.

"Hello Tubbo,how are you?"said Phil, waving his hand shyly acting like he hasn't done anything wrong.

"Oh so you're finally using my name now huh?"I remarked

"Listen it was a mistake but you'll always be my daughter- i-mean son!"

" . . .C'mon Guys lets go" i muttered while holding back tears

We swiftly walked away heading to the car.On the way I couldn't hold back my tears and started sniffling. "Hey T-tommy?"

"Yeah what's up?"

"Will Phil ever see me as his son?" i stuttered in between words

"Oh tubbo . ."

I broke down as soon as we stepped in the car with tommy comforting me from the backseat while Ranboo drove silently.My cries were met with cold silence. I feel hopeless like no matter what I do nobody will ever see me as a real boy. .


I slowly fall asleep and as i do pictures of Tommy and Ranboo 'accident' flash and slowly seeps into my mind the way they were crushed the way it was quick and full of pain.Then came my death, i was pushed to the side from panicking people trying to make their way out out of this disaster.

. . .Can't blame them though I would also push other people off if it meant being alive. .

Soon my body becomes numb.Im stuck, being surrounded by the screams from Tommy and Ranboo.

Sorry for the slow updates i've hit a massive writer's block.If you can (it will very much be appreciated)request prompts.I'll give Credit as well :]

word count 1144


(My highest word count-)

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