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Tubbo pov

I was sitting there watching youtube with ranboo on my phone because we didn't want to be a dick and wake everybody up.Even though we make a lot of noise in broad daylight.

We sat there while looking at the small screen with the light flashing.Until we suddenly got an ad

We both just sighed in frustration. I mean C'mon an ad while it was getting good.

. .as we watch we see an obnoxiously shade of green flash on the screen and i'm not talking about those "Forest green" i'm talking green screen, green.

. .A lady walks into the view and is just staring at the camera. She holds up her hand to reveal a face cream.The odd thing about this is that she never blinked.Her eyes were wide open almost like somebody is forcing her to.

We continue to watch. .but with curiosity. Suddenly Words that appear to be from a different language pop up on the screen with this obnoxious high pitched voice.Its an ear splitting voice.

. .The audio seems highly corrupted which we can tell from the way they upped the voice to be ear splitting.

It suddenly cuts off and ends with a black screen. .but there were muffled whispers

Then it resumes back to the video me and ranboo were watching.

I look at ranboo and ranboo looks at me with a confuse glance.

(This story is from my drafts from a while back,This was based of something that happend to me when i got this weird disturbing ad around 2am.Should i finish this oneshot too?)

Tubbo Angst And Fluff ♡♡ (Oneshots)Where stories live. Discover now