Is somebody there? 📜

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Tw/Cw:Hinting at Abuse/Child neglect/Panic Attacks/Uneasiness

Tubbo pov

I can sense that this day is gonna be a wreck.

It's one of those things where you wake up and feel an unsettling presence.I got up from my bed feeling my body stretching slowly as i moved.

Every movement I made an ache came with it.

I checked around my arms to see if I had obtained any bruises from last night's fight with my Dad. . .

. .but surprisingly no bruises. .huh, strange.

I continue to put on my grey scaled green colored oversized shirt.I take my pale hand and fumble with the worn out buttons.

I grab my backpack slouched against my bed.

I prepare myself to see the pitying looks from my Mom.

I step out of my bedroom door and hear. . .Nothing, no noises coming from the kitchen nor her Bedroom.I look down from the railing and I see. . .

. . . .Nothing

I feel panic boiling from the depths of my body.

Each step I took the panic rose.The creaks coming from the stairs were the only thing making noise.

I make my way to the kitchen.I notice an obnoxious shade of bright yellow coming from a sticky note on the counter.

I feel my panic calming down.

I take a glance at the writing

"Me and your father are going out for a while, maybe around 2 weeks . .i want you to feel safe for now. . .So I'm distracting him for a while. .I left money on top of my Vanity. . "

I took a look at my Mom's open bedroom door indicating they were in a hurry. .

I go into her room and see a giant mess. .I see random clothes on the floor .

I brush it off and just grab the money and stuff it into my backpack and quickly leave.

I thought of eating before I left but I brushed it off. I stepped outside and could feel the cold air hitting my face.

The foggy ambience calmed me down in an odd way that I couldn't quite put my finger on.

The smell of mint lingered in the air.

I see Tommy and Ranboo chatting while leaning against a pine tree. .but i see a third figure standing aside to them

They both looked at me, probably wondering what I was looking at.

I only snapped out of my train of thought when I saw sudden movement coming from the shadow causing me to stumble back in fear.

"Tubbo, are you okay. .?"

Ranboo's voice was muffled

"Uhm. .what. .?" I responded in a shaky voice

"Uhm. .I asked if you were okay." he said while offering his hand to help lift me up.

I take this offer and he helps lift me up.

'Are you okay tubbo,you look a little shaken up?"

"Uhm. .I don't know boo. ."I say while glancing back at where the shadow figure originally stood.

Surprisingly there was nothing

Ranboo seemed to notice at the glancing and looked back, his expression not changing. .

So there's nothing there. .What the fuck is happening.

Am I going crazy?

"Can we just go boo. .?"

"Sure tubbo."He says in an annoying tone. .

. .Great i made ranboo in some sort of way mad. .

I can hear Tommy holding back laughter.I feel embarrassed at this point. I just want to hide under the covers. .

"So tubbo, what was that all about?"Tommy Says finally suppressing his laughter

". .i don't know. . can we just go. .?"

"Sure tubster. ."

As we get into to the car i switch seats with tommy and sit in the back afraid that'll make ranboo more annoyed.

A few minutes in the car ride I can hear chatter coming from Ranboo and Tommy. . .but most of the words were muffled.

The only sentences/Words i catched were "Whats wrong with him" and "I dont know im kinda worried. . "

I can feel a sharp pain in my head . .I look around and see distorted colors swirling around me. .

. . I blink and everything goes black.My body becomes numb, my breathing goes heavy. .

((Sorry for not posting in a while, school almost starts here. .I Also missed the lore stream today :/ ))

Anyways i hope you have a good day

Byeee :)

(706 words)

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