Thank you for the love you gave me

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Cold footsteps could be heard from the thick wooden door from ranboo's massive mansion, each step felt heavy on tubbo's shoulders as he could not bring himself to face the consequences of his actions. He knew he wasn't aware of his actions, god was he such an ass. He stopped in front of the door and contemplated his actions, he knew he hadn't been home to his Husband and son, He's been working hard. .y'know with quackity. . .but yet again that's no excuse to ghosting his own husband. He knows he hasn't answered Ranboo's messages .Hell he knew that Ranboo was messaging him, he just didn't have the courage. I mean how do you tell your husband after ghosting that you were busy? Doesn't sound right. .but then what does, nothing, no excuse will ever justify my actions. .i mean c'mon.

I take a deep breath, I can feel the air extend my lungs, how my chest rises up and slowly rises down. I feel the movement of my hand moving down to reach the handle of the door ,My hand suddenly drops down, i can't. .I really can't. .

Oh my god. .im so pathetic, i can feel my eyes slowly watering, fuck I- i shouldnt be crying i mean, how could i make myself the victim if my husband hasnt seen their own damn husband and he dosent know where the hell he is. I try to wipe my tears but I can feel them start watering up again, I can feel the small drops of water start to pile on my shirt, my head turned down as I'm ashamed, ashamed over crying, ashamed over letting my own husband down.

I need to calm down- as I'm struggling to wipe all the hot, fresh tears from my cold face as i can feel them leave a small tingle on my face as they soon travel down to my puff jacket. I lift my hand to reach the cold handle and i soon as a twist the gold handle it makes this eerie noise, most likely to wake up anybody inside the cold interior of the mansion, As soon as i step in i can feel this sensation which i could only describe as "Shameful" in a way this house was taunting me for being such a fool, as i continue my way up the pair of staircases, I can feel the anxiousness bubble up inside of me as i take small steps as im afraid how he'll react. .maybe he'll react with anger? Or maybe even relief? Not likely the second one. .i can feel the rail of the stairs come to a stop as I can feel a small nub attached to the end of it.

Sigh, I stumbled through the long corridors, the only thing sustaining me was the wall as I could feel the details of the wallpaper from the grasp of my flaky hand. I soon reach Our- er Ranboo's room. .I wrap my hand on the small nub, I twist and it turns as well as my stomach, I can feel several notts tie up further than it was already. I open the door slowly. I can feel the breeze of the swing of the door. When I step in, I can see different shades of blues, purples and even pink shinde through the open window. I look over to see a sight for sore, tired eyes. .ranboo.

I can see Ranboo curled up as i can slightly see him shaking, i walk over to the open window and slowly close it, i walk over to ranboo and i- i slowly tap his shoulder as to talk with him, even though i know i don't want to do this. .it just had to be done.

Instead of tapping I resort to shaking, I slowly lower my hand to shake him.

"Ranboo. .Ranboo wake up dear. ." My voice came out to be all strangled, as if I've been screaming all day.

I can see ranboo steadily rise up, as i can him slowly adjust to the darkness, His face expression speaks for itself. .I can see the look of tiredness, ashamed even. His eyes felt like it was keeping me in a chokehold, I wanted to say something, scream even but I couldn't. .I couldn't bring myself to do it. As if on cue I can see a quiver on his lip.

"Why. .-?" he takes a deep breath before continuing

"-Why didn't you answer me? Why did you leave with no notice?"

Before he continues, I lunge myself into his chest "I'm so sorry boo, I'm sorry I left, I'm sorry I didn't answer, i was so caught up with quackity. ."I can feel those same hot tears spill out of my eyes with all the sorrow I kept inside me following it.

". .I didn't even realize the time tick by. . .He made me feel important..he made me feel like i was crucial in this project. .it's been so long since I felt that. ."

He doesn't say anything and just continues to stand there, unresponsive. A few minutes pass, cold minutes as I can feel no movement coming from him.

"I didn't make you feel important?"

I'm taken back to say the least.

"Answer me tubbo, did i or did i not make you feel like you were everything, did i or did i not make you feel important?" His voice turns harsh almost like he takes offense for me being this way.

"Ranboo this is about you, i left you behind, i didn't answer your messages" I stumble on my words

"Tubbo, all I care about is you, I wanted to make sure you were okay. .i don't care how long you are gone, go all you want!As long as you're happy"

". .but im not im ashamed, i'm a coward im pathetic, how do you not see this!?"

I softly push him back


Why are you not happy tubbo?" he asks in genuine concern

"Because I've hurt you, I know how you felt ranboo, I know that you felt upset, heartbroken, you were probably thinking about how I was never gonna come back. .somehow you probably even believed it was your fault. ."

"So what if you've hurt me, it doesn't matter now, your back!" He lifts his arms to give me a warm embrace.

"Stop, STOP please, just stop, don't blame this on yourself! You are not the one to blame here, it's me. .that you should blame!" I feel my legs start to give up as I feel my muscles go numb. .And I slowly fall down onto Ranboos chest, I lift my arms to give him a small hug, as this is the only thing i could manage. .

I felt myself go into a deep state as I felt all of my body go numb. .

Authors Note


Hello everyone! I haven't posted in a long while cause damn i got another paper due, This paper is like half-ish of my grade, I hope you all have a great Semester! I love you all, Te doy besos /p

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