Feeling Numb

542 31 6

    "Why is he here!? Answer me ranboo!" I hear a deep board voice shout at what appears to be my husband. "He's sick goddamnit! Listen Techno i know you and tubbo haven been on the best terms-" He takes a deep breath before continuing "-but i'm low on supplies and plus i found out in the middle of fucking nowhere. My house is blocks away from here. This was my safest option!" Ranboo said quickly, surprisingly not stuttering

"Not my problem!" He huffed

"Stop being so immature! He's your brother goddamnit " Phil Chimed in as he walked in the cold- dead structure.

"Not anymore- He's not someone i'm willing to give up supplies for- "

Silence filled the room after he said this, Oh wow- he really doesn't care for me, I don't either but why is this getting to me.

I feel the hairs on my neck lift up- damn its so fucking cold here, I lay there breathing heavly as i feel my body going cold. My ears are falling down slowly as my muscles seem to give up.

"Why are you guys blaming me! You know what he has done to me!" My eyes seem to start squinting from the light of the Soul lanterns- All i could make out was a really tall figure raise his hands towards me-

As soon as I blink I could feel myself being lifted up- Shouts in the background can be heard. I soon feel cold hands wrap around my neck- They soon start to squeeze but all I can feel is numbness. It feels like small bees pressing their stingers against your skin to only cut a centimeter deep.

As soon as the sensation begins it stops- I feel my body falling down on to hard stone certainly chipping at least one of my horns, I open my eyes seeing my wedding ring right beside me-

"Oh" is all i could muster up

I feel a colder embrace hug me tightly and soon their hands travel up to my ears to fluff them up. .

   "Tubbo you alright dear?" they use a soft tone

"No. .My ring boo" i expressed my sadness while pointing at the chipped ring on the floor along with shatters of m,y horn.

"Dont worry bee will get you a new-"

"No, that one's s-special. ." I start to tear up, It's almost like i can remember the day we got married: So stupid- I laugh quickly as memories flashed in my mind.

They stare at the ring and quickly pick it up along with the shattered material that was used to make it.

I look around, teary eyed to say the least .But that is not gonna stop me, I see a wide tall door open- i see Phil and techno sitting on the small steps that lead to the raised house.

 "Techno-?" I can see him flinch and look back and as soon as he sees me he quickly turns back in a flash- I can see phil comfort his Oldest Son and whisper something quickly before he stands up and leaves him behind in the cold.

"Is he alright?" He whispers to ranboo, i can feel ranboo shift to look at him- I can hear small sizzling noises- "Mhm he's doing much better-"

"Oh boo, why are you crying? Im Okay, See!" I quickly try to muster up the tiniest bit of life in me to make sure they know I'm alright.

"Thank you. .Bee" They say while ruffling my ears as they pull me close to their embrace. I shift in their arms making myself comfortable. .

. .Maybe i'm not so numb

Authors Note



I also bring Goat tubbo :D

10-26-21 Besos Para ustedes <3

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