All the things he said. .were a lie 🚬

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((If you are sensitive to any of these topics id advise you with caution while reading))

Tubbo was getting bored waiting for his platonic husband.He decided he was going do some chores around the mansion.First he was gonna start with his and ranboo's room.

There were piles of books and clothes on the floor,realizing that they havent done laundry in a while.As he was picking up the clothes and orginizing them into different buckets he stumbles across a book. .

This book was engraved into what looked like enderman language.Tubbo wasnt fluid in enderman but he did know a bit.

As he took the book into his arms.Ignoring the many clothes and books scattered.

As he positioned the book down on a desk so he could get a better look. . he read the front cover.Which read "DONT OPEN"he guessed it was ranboo's because of the several pages of ":]" in the book.As he flipped through pages.He stumbled across more paragraphs of ender language.

His eyes widened at the words. .He looked Scared heck Terrified.He felt like he was gonna throw up.

"Hi again,So today i married tubbo. .its all going as planned. . .I cant wait. ."

He re read these words again . .and again.To make sure he wasnt dreaming. .

As he continued reading he gave himself false hope that this meant something else. .

"I cant wait to kill tubbo. .he's just gonna get in my way ,though i will admit that it was fun having him here. . though this isnt why i married him for"

Tubbo wanted to cry,shout even but held back after he heard the front door open. . .

He quickly shushed himself up. .and put the book back in its original place. . but quickly finished orginizing his and his husban- ranboo's clothes.

He quietly went outside his room to check if ranboo was back . . .ranboo was indeed back

He felt like throwing up.He was so close to breaking.

As ranboo walked up the stairs.He noticed that tubbo was looking down and hurried to comfort the small boy. .only to be pushed by the older.

"You l-liar. ." tubbo said in a passive agressive voice. .he began to look up at ranboo with scared eyes. .

"Wha- what do you mean tubbo?"

"Quit the bullshit i know you l-lied to me" tears threatning to spill out of tubbos's eyes

Ranboo lifted his hand to wipe tubbos tears. .but was quickly pushed away from tubbo.

"Dont touch me" . . . "all the things you said were l-lies. . . "he said in between breaths

===Authours Note===
Hello,sorry for not updating
Writers block hits you like a bitch :]
Anyways i hipe you guys enjoyed see you all next time :]

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