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"Play room"

The nerves in my body seem to come back into sense. I opened my eyes to see myself in a dark room.

"Wait- what. . ?" I said, very well confused

The room I was in shifted, I saw tons of toys from old to new shift into a certain spot. I see a small, low table in the middle of the dark room.

I walked over to it and I sat on one of the low chairs that matched the table. As soon as I did , the smell of fresh tea lingered in the room.

I look back at the surface of the table, a matching tea set.

"Huh. . what's happening. . I'm dead aren't I ?"

Dead silence filled the room.

Guess I got my answer. .

I suddenly hear a door creak open. .

"WHO'S THERE?" I yell from over here. I see a small boy with strawberry blonde hair. . with overalls  and a small bee patch stitched into the fabric.

The smaller boy walks over with a chicken stuffed toy in his hand, He takes a seat right in front of me.

"Hi I'm M-michael !" He said with a short stutter in his voice.
"Want tea. .?" He said putting his stuffed animal on the seat next to me.

As soon as he puts the stuffed animal on the chair, the lights of the dark room seem to light up.

"Tea. .?" He lifts the tea kettle up to my height.

"Uhm. . sure" I murmured while grabbing the nearest tea cup.

He pours the steaming hot tea on the tea cup. I stare in awe. I look back at the detailed walls, with finger paintings hanging on the walls.

"Are those yours Micheal ?" I said pointing at the painting on the wall.

"Yeah. .me and dada paint with fun c-colors!" He looked at me proud of his work.

"Who's your dada ?"I said hoping to start a conversation.

"Dada name is Ranboo. .dada is very lonely" he said, losing his cheery tone at the last bit.

"Well maybe I can meet your dada . .?" I say trying to cheer him up.

"Dad doesn't know you're here"He says, taking a sip of his tea.

I choke back a bit- i mean i knew I was dead, but how the hell can this kid see me. .

As I was lost in thought I heard the door creak open. I see Micheal turn his head towards the door.

"Micheal, are you okay ?"His voice is hoarse, sounding like he hasn't slept.

"Yeah, dada I'm fine"

I see Michael dad come into the room, he doesn't appear to notice me.

"Who are you talking to? "

"What do you mean dada?"I see Micheal's face shift into a worried look.

Micheal looks at me and says out loud
   "What's your name ?"

"Tubbo" I murmured quietly, still fearing that he might hear me in some way. .

"I'm talking to tubbo" Micheal says, while pointing at me. .

(Authors note)
Hello, it's been a while. . well I'm back. I'm still sick but I tested negative on the COVID test :D
I hope you all had an amazing day at school. Love you all <3 /p

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