Friends. .Right? 📕

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Tw: suicidal thoughts/self doubt

Tubbo pov

As I jerked awake from bed I felt a pounding ache in my head,I looked up to my ceiling spotting random scratches and or holes.As thoughts came racing to mind,things like "why am i still here " or comments such as "I should just kill myself".Of course i ignore this thoughts because there just thoughts. .they're harmless right. . ?There's no point in sitting and moping about these types of thoughts.

As I start my "Routine" . . well not really a routine per say more like getting my Laptop and logging in to Zoom and just zone out in class but still a routine nonetheless.My parents are usually at work by this time i don't mind it. .. though at times i wish i had a person to talk to.My Sisters aren't the talkative type so i really can't do anything.

As I was continuing to zone out I heard my name being called out of. . .my walls..!?

I get weirded out of course like another person but in a weird way I feel compelled to check for who or what just called out my name. .

As I got up from my seat.I heard Hollow creaks inside my walls. .

I step close. .carefully not to alarm anyone or anything..I lean against the wall

I hear short worded and low whispers

As I lean more against the wall eager to know what "it" was saying.I carefully make out the same letters on repeat "R,F,I,E,S,D,N"

I step back,quickly grabbing a small notepad and a singular black pen from my desk.I carefully write down the same repeated 6 letters.

interrupted when the zoom noise went on signaling that my zoom meeting was done.

I quickly shut my laptop and looked down on the notepad with the same repeated letters.

"Weird"i mutter on a low voice

The letters seemed to be scrambled. .

"Friends. .?"

As i said this.I heard a loud thud. .that made me flinch viciously but as i gained focus ,I could see a tall shadowy figure. .

"R,F,I,E,S,D,N. .?"

Without hesitance I said. "sure. ."

In a weird way it felt oddly comforting

The shadow figure came closer

"F..!"the shadow figure said

"Right. .Friends"

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