2. The Vivid Red Eye's

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Classes ended. I wonder down the halls to find Star. I couldn't find her. Where has she gone now? Maybe gawking at Oskar again. Might as well check. I walked down the hall again to the parking lot. I see Star and she was leaning to someone. I didn't hesitate. I jumped forward and karate chopped the guy's hand. The bunny that was in his hand fell on the ground as well. From what I can tell. He has to be a demon. "Back off demon!" I yelled.

"Marco!" The demon holds his arm in pain then glares at me with glowing red eyes. He growled at me.

"Oh, no," I hear Star whisper. Another guy I didn't notice till now, walked over to the demon and walks him around in circles, but the demons stare was still glaring at me. I still kept my defensive stance.

"Walk it out and talk it out. Walk it out and talk it out. Walk it out..." The guy said. I felt my hoodie being pulled. Most likely by Star.

"Uh, you better run."

"Oh! No-no-no-no," he said in panic. His eyes stopped glowing red. "No, no." He sighs. "That's why I got my support system. I'm good. Got the angries out!" I watch the hand I cut off levitate back onto his wrist. "Everything is... Whew! Under control," he says petting the bunnies head hard. The bunnies fur became poofy when he stopped.

"Marco, don't karate him. This is... Tom." Wait. I heard that name before.

"Demon ex-boyfriend Tom?" Tom walks to us and tries to shake my hand.

"Nice to, uh, meet you, Marco."

"Whaaaat is he doing here?"

"He wants to take me to the Blood Moon Ball." My protective instincts kick in.

"Star, never go with a predator to a second location." I look back at Tom.

"Look, I can see you're mad. You think I'm a total jerk. I get it. But I have changed. Remember..." He walked up to Star then points to her headband. "I'm not the only one with horns."

"Why didn't you tell me I'm dead?" I did my stance again.

"No pressure. If you decide you want to go, just toll this bell." He gives Star a small bell. The carriage ignites in flames. Then a hand popped out. "Oops. Almost forgot the little hammer." He gives Star a tiny skull-shaped hammer to hit with the bell. "I hope I see you there." The carriage disappears. Finally.

"You ready to go Star?"

"Yea....." We walked down to the sidewalk heading home. I started talking about her about the homework and stuff till she said, "I'm going." I blinked. "I need to get ready!" She booked it to her room. Okay maybe she'll change her mind. I went to sit down. After minutes, she didn't come back. I look to the side seeing my sombrero. I grabbed it and put it on. I walked up the steps to the restroom. It's been a while since I wore this.... Okay time to try to convince Star to stay! I walked out and to her room. I look over seeing her looking through her dresses.

"You're making a big mistake, Star." She pops out with a dress in her hand.

"Maybe... but it could be fun." I walked into the room.

"Why don't you just stay here, where it's always fun? Like... guaranteed," I tried convincing.

"Well, this is a different kind of fun." She presses a button on her mirror call and it turned into a three-panel divider. "Don't look. I'm gonna change." I put my sombrero to block my view.

"I just don't trust Tom. Maybe I should go with you." After our talk she told me about Tom. We usually had late night talks with nachos, and I would tell her stuff of earth as she told me a bit of Mewni. Even what she did.

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