6. Truth or Punishment

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"Oh oh, uh-huh. You got it bad."

"Bad? No," I say nervously.

"It's game time, Marco. And since you're so good at playing the field, I got a game that would be perfect for you. Back to Star's room!" Pony head yelled flying to Star's room with the rest of the girls following.

"Come on Marco!" Star yelled. I slowly followed. I was led in. I saw the girls already sitting down. Star pulled me next to her. I see Pony going through her bag then finally placed a box in the middle of us.

"It's a box."

"It's called Truth or Punishment. It's all about telling your friends your deepest, darkest secrets." After that I instantly stood up.

"And I'm out." I start running to the door.

"Give me one second. Marco!" I grab the handle and turn the knob, but it didn't open. O no. "Marco, Marco, Marco, Marco." I felt a blast on my back which make me slip and fall on my butt. "Why don't you wanna play?" I get up.

"I just think maybe some things are better kept secrets."

"What are you talking about?" I say hoping Star knows what I'm talking about. I had a bad feeling about this.

"Oh Marco, come play with us."

"Yeah Marco. Come share secrets." I laugh nervously.

"He's coming."

"I hate you," I tell her. She pushes me back to the group of girls and places me between Jackie and Janna.

"Okay, it's supposed to ask three questions, each one harder than the last, and all we do is answer them," Pony Head said explaining the game. "So..." She claps her ears together, and the lights go out. I see glowing. It was the box glowing when Pony Head stuck her tongue on top of it.

"Deceit and fables, lies and fiction, even with complete conviction. If truth is absent from these events, all will face the punishments," The Cube say's.

"What does that mean?"

"It means if you lie to him, something bad'll happen." The cube expands to reveal a mouth?

"Pledge an oath of truth. Pinky swear to me."

"Okay." We each put our pinky in the mouth pledging we tell the truth. Even Pony Head used her tongue to pledge.

"It's time for Truth or Punishments." The mouth goes back down.

"Oh-ho! Pony, this is already awesome." I bit my bottom lip.

"The first question:" The cube spins for the question. "What is... your... favorite color?"

"Uh, Pony?"

"Oh, girl, maybe the first one is just very easy. The next one's probably something interesting, like, have you ever killed a man. Mm, actually, that's still easy."

"Pony Head, favorite color?" I ask her.

"Pony Head color. Done."

"What?" I say confused.

"It's a very popular color on Mewni," Star tells us.

"Uh, Star, what's your favorite color?"

"Uh, I have to go with yellow."

"Me too." We continued the game. Janna lied about her favorite color being black when it was actually pink which made us receive our first punishment, being tickled by some electricity. Which caused the box to trap us in a bigger box of Star's room. Next Question was about Star's brownies that I did not try, and the girls lied about liking them. The truth came out. I felt bad for Star.

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