31.The Solarian Warriors

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"Star, I know it must seem crazy that Mina's working for me. But let me explain."

"You... TRAITOR!!!" Star transforms to her Ultimate Magic Form and fires Cupcake Blasts, Bunny Blasts, and Narwhal Blasts in every direction. I use my arms to shield myself. Moon transforms to her Ultimate Magic Form and flies up to her.

"I know what this looks like, but you have to understand!"

"Understand what?!"Star fires off more assorted spells that Moon shields herself from.

"Mina was already planning to overthrow Eclipsa. Trust me, I stopped her from doing far worse."

"So, you start a revolution behind my back?!"

"The one who started this was her!" Moon waves her hand toward Eclipsa and fires off a magic blast that strikes the ground near her.


"Eclipsa!" I run to her side. She didn't get hit.

"Oh, dear! That was an accident!"

"Accident. Like anyone's gonna believe that." Moon turns back to normal. I stand defensively next to Eclipsa from her.

"Star, I know you trust Eclipsa. I trusted her once, too. Look where that got me."

"I beg your pardon?"

"You're the reason I was lost in the magic dimension. You're the reason I was separated from my family! From my daughter!"

"That was an accident, Moon. You know that. And Star can take care of herself. She's far wiser than we were at her age.

"I'm not going to argue about this, Eclipsa. I'm here to offer you a deal."

"Deal?" Star turns back to normal. "Mom, what are you doing?"

"Surrender the crown to me. In return, I'll call off Mina and my Solarian Warriors."

"So, you're the one who created the warriors. I suppose I shouldn't be surprised."

"After that, I'll heal at the Globgor, and you and your family will be free to live in any of your choosing. Except this one."

"What do you mean family?"

"Since Marco is the child of Eclipsa and Globgor. He must leave as well. Being the first half Mewman and Monster. He cannot stay here anymore as well if Eclipsa agrees to it."

"What?!" I yell.

"And if I don't do what you're asking? What then?" Eclipsa took a step to her. She was defending me...

"Things could get worse." Eclipsa holds out the wand to give to Moon. I gasp.


"It's all right, Star. I tried my best, but it appears my best... wasn't enough."

"What?" Eclipsa gives the wand to Moon, and it transforms from a parasol to a short crystal wand.

"Let me have a word with someone first." Eclipsa starts walking away. We follow her. It's a bedroom. She opens the door. "Knock-knock. I'll only need a minute." I look inside and froze... It's Globgor... He has the markings just like our friends. He looks in a lot of pain. I didn't actually like seeing him like this. Eclipsa walks to him.

"Hello, darling. How are you holding up? I think I found a way to keep us all safe. We'll be giving up a lot, and... but since when has our relationship ever been easy?" I bit my lip. Now I think about it... Eclipsa faced a lot.... And I'm part of it to.... I added up to it... But even when she doesn't know. She still protects me. She helped me a lot to...

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