36. Telling Tom

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I felt a hand on my face. I moved slowly. I peeked my eyes open and see Tom smiling. "Tom!" I jumped up and hugged him tight. He hugged back. We pulled back and he placed a kiss on my forehead. "I missed you."

"I missed you to. Marco. Can you... Can I.... Can I hold you?" I was confused but nodded. He pulled me onto his lap and hugged me tight placing his head in the crock of my neck. Something must have something. I held him back and started messing with his hair. I didn't ask. I rubbed his back a bit. I didn't realize his tension but his muscles were relaxing. He must be really stressed. I placed a kiss on his shoulder blade and wrapped my arms on his neck. We stayed there for a while. Quietly. It wasn't bad. "I don't know what I do without you. You are seriously the best...." I started to relax. "Thank you... Marco.... I.... love you."


"I love you... I'm sorry it's too soon but being with you really helps me and..... This is nice.... I can't imagine being without. I'm sorry I made you wait an-" I smacked my lips on his. Maybe a bit too harsh but I was happy. Tom fell back on the bed and I look at him. "Fuck Marco. I didn't mean to make you cry!"

"No, It's just.... Sorry. Just. I haven't heard you say those words since we started dating and I missed you. It's been almost a month since I last saw you and so much happened today that I was scared but worried but-"

"Woah hold up." He sat up making me sit up on his lap again. He looked at me worried. "What did you do when I was gone? Did something happen? Is it bad?"

"Well.... Depends how you take it.... Well I know how stressful you been and since you been gone, I was lonely but now that I have a piece of you, I guess I won't be as lonely.. I mean it doesn't mean I won't miss you but! Just know I'm happy about it and I hope you are to...."

"Marco what is this about?"

"Since you been gone... I been feeling sick. Like bad like I couldn't eat as much, the vomiting my body feeling on fire...."

"Why didn't you call me or text me to come back? I could have come sooner to help."

"Because you're doing your duties to be king in the future and I trust you. I didn't want to be the reason you got up and left from your kingdom. And I thought it was just some small sickness so I kept it in. I didn't want to add it to the things you're going through at home." I placed a hand on his cheek. "After a while it never went away. That's when my parents decided to see a doctor."

"What did they say?"

"At first they didn't know well they had a guess but wasn't sure so they suggested I see a doctor.... In the underworld..."

"You went to the underworld and didn't tell me!" He yelled mad.

"Tom please calm down and let me finish! Don't jump into conclusions! Remember let someone finish!"

"Right sorry. Just. Keep going."

"I used the bell you gave me to get there. The carriage took me to the hospital and I saw a demon Doctor. They were able to find out what was wrong with me."

"What's wrong?"

"O!" I pulled out the small booklet or pamphlet from my back pocket. "Here." He looked confused before grabbing it. He read the front then opened it.

"Marco? I don't get it? This is about pregnancy and all. Why would they give....... you this...." Then it hit him. "Marco are you..."


"O my god? How?! I mean you're a dude! I mean I should know! We kind of did it and I remember clear-" I blushed mad covering his mouth.

"I know Tom! Just please don't mention it!"

"But I mean how?! Like... That Demon!"

"Yea... How did you know?"

"I was helping on the case. I can't believe it's real.... I didn't think much and now you mention about the sickness it makes sense. That demon was like a succubus but like another demon part made that possible. Man... Wait so your pregnant."


"With a baby..."


"My baby?"

"Well, our baby but yea." Tom pulled me in and kissed me onto a kiss.

"I'm going to be a Dad!" I smiled. "I'm going to be a dad... O my gosh Marco I'm so sorry!"


"Marco your 16 and carrying a kid! You're to young! I'm too young! We're too young! Marco I-"

"Tom!" I cut him off. "It's okay... We never expected this we can't change it... I mean we can but... I don't want to... I want to carry this child. I'm scared like a lot but we been through a lot. This is like another adventure... an adventure for us... If you want to go on this adventure with me that is..."

"Yes. A million time yes. I do want this child... With you. And no one else. I love you..."

"I love you to..."

"When are we going to tell you parents?"

"O they kind of already know. They were with me at the hospitals. My mom's went to get the demon food at the market in the underworld since I been craving for some stuff I didn't know. They have a paper that the doctor gave me that I can eat. The doctor is making appointments when I should go see him for the baby."

"When you find this out?"

"Today actually... I was tired when we got back and fell asleep holding my stomach."

"O. When I woke you up like that."


"So, I guess we have to tell my parents to if you're okay with that."

"Yea! I mean they are your parents. I want to tell Star to!"

"I know..... Could we wait for that... I haven't seen you all month and did really miss you. Could we have the day to us tomorrow then tell them after? Please?" I nodded. I hugged him tight. Man, another adventure... Can't wait. 

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