30. Made It to Mewni

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I started blinking my eyes open. "Huh?" I blinked a couple more time till I sat up confused. I look around. "Star?" I start moving but it was hard to. I fall over. I get back up and actually move this time. I start moving through the pink stuff. A pile of it falls on me. I move the stuff to the side but feel something on my face. I grab it, seeing a sock. Wait. I walk through till I find the exit. I pop it open. I jump out. I start walking, dusting myself off. "How the heck did I end up in the lint catcher?" I step on something hard which hurts my foot."Oww! Ow, ow, ow!" I look down seeing a stone crow on the floor. Is that a yada yada berry? I pick it up. "How did you get down here?" I start walking to the stairs and when I make it to the top of them, it was blocked by rocks. "Huh? Ohhh, come on!" I run to it and try to push the rocks out the way but it doesn't work. I even peck the crow at it. Nothing. I sigh. "Did you know about this?" I ask the petrified crow. Then I hear big foot stops. I hide behind a pillar as the big crow flies by. I watch it fly by and fly up into a hole. I look at the petrified crow. Alright. I run back down and start tying clothes together to make it as a rope. I think that's long enough. I run back up the stairs. I tie the end to the crow and toss the crow into the hole. I pull it a bit. Perfect. I climb up and out the hole. "Thanks, Robirda." I name the crow.

"Shutting down the portal was drastic enough."

"Heckapoo?" I walk to the rocks and peck at the scene.

"Desperate times call for desperate measures.

"But she's not even following the plan!"

"Look, I just want that Monster smoocher out of Mewni, and she's our best option."

"Some risks are worth taking."

"But she's completely crazy!" I heard laughter.

"Oh, I'm the crazy one? The person saving our kingdom from monster invaders? Ha! Did you hear that, Queen? Our kingdom used to be great, but not anymore." Mina turns big and goes to a big bot. "It's time to give Mewni back to the Mewmans! And if that makes me crazy..." Mina's armor picks up a sword handle, and it powers on to have a red energy blade. Mina points the blade at the Magic High commission. "...I'm as cuckoo-cuckoo-cuckoo as they come! Sebastian, get me my helmet!" I slowly back away. I gotta find Star. I sneak out without being seen. I start booking it to the Monster Temple. Maybe Star will think the same thing. I start running. I hear the steps behind. I look behind seeing Mina and an army behind her. O no. I run faster through the forest. Suddenly I see a purplish butterfly fly over me. I moved out the way and continue running. That came from the Monster temple. I finally see the Monster temple in distance. The kingdom. I see a blare though. Wait that's Star!

"Star!" I yell. "Star!" Star starts running to me, tackling me into a hug. I fall back from it.

"Star, listen⁠—"

"Shhh! Shh-shh-shh-shh-shh!" She cuts me off. "Shut up, shut up, shut up. Let me listen to your heartbeat... for just one minute."

"Oh, okay." I hug her back. I'm happy she's okay. She wasn't hurt.

"Okay, I can tell by your heart rate that you have bad news, so lay it on me."

"Mina Loveberry is coming to attack Eclipsa."

"Dude, you're a little late. Eclipsa just defeated her with a big ol' spell."

"Huzzah!" Eclipsa says. I can tell she was exhausted.

"Uhhh..."I looks up at the motionless Bot. It did look familiar though. Not now head. "...That's not Mina."


"I'm sorry, pardon me?"

"I don't know who that is, but Mina is heading here right now. And she's not alone." I hear the footsteps again. I turn seeing Mina and her army again.

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