12. Right Back to Mewni!

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It took a while, but I made it! I walk along the streets. Wow. I guess things are back to normal. Okay now to the castle! I start running and notice something on the side. That looks like Star's room! I go to the side of the castle and start climbing. I keep climbing and climbing. I'm surprised this is easy really. I finally make it to the window. I throw my duffle bag in. I climb through seeing Star singing. I smiled standing in front of her.

"Hey, Star!" She throws a burrito at me.

"Marco! What did I tell you about– wait... Marco!"


"Oh, my goodness! It's so good to see you. Um... what are you doing here?"

"I missed it here, so, I decided to come back permanently," I say smiling then I hear a toilet flush and singing?

"Burrito / burrito / I'll never let... "

"Tom?" I ask confused.

"Marco!" Tom said smiling opening his arms.

"Tom!" I smiled to and opened my arms getting happy to get a hug from him but that didn't come because.

"Intruder!" I was tackled down and tied up.

"Uh, wait, wait, wait, wait a minute. Guys, guys, hey guys, it's all right. It's just Marco."

"I'm not an intruder. River said I could be a knight. See? I got the cape and everything." She started laughing. Then she held me up by my cape.

"Look, he's got a cape." All the other knights begin to laugh at me now.

"I'm being serious!" I pouted.

"Will see about that. To the king and queen!" They take me to Star's parents. They explain to them what had happened. Now River is getting shocked.

"Ugh, River. I'm so confused here. You told Marco he could be a knight?"

"Well, uh, yeah... I never actually thought we'd see him again. Ha ha!"

"I'm sorry, Marco, but I'm afraid that's not how it works."

"But King River gave me a knight's cape. M for Mewni," I say showing it.

"No, my boy, that's my meat blanket.

"Meat blanket?"

"Yes. I also have a cheese doily."

"But I wore this thing every day. For weeks... weeks."

"I'm sorry, Marco, but becoming a knight is no easy task."

"Yes, it takes years of intense training, dear."

"Yeah. Years of intense training," Lady Whowits said.

"He hasn't even been a squire."

"A squire? Hey, I can do that."

"River, are any of our knights in need of a squire?"

"Wait, I've got it. How about we set him up with Sir Pop Lock and Dropeth? Hmm? That old scamp!" The Queen leaned to River to whisper something.

"Star, why don't you have Marco stay with you? It will give you two a chance to catch up while we figure this out." I smile big.

"Wait, wait, wait. I know a knight he can squire for."

"Really? Well I guess that's settled. River let's go. And knights let him go." The drop me.

"Come on Marco." She started walking and I catch up to her. She leads to a door and walks through. I follow her down the steps.

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