5. Upgrade

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I started feeling the creeps. "Are you sure this is safe?" I ask her.

"I never said that." Star starts reaching for the sandwich inside the thing again. "Come on Marco, you try." I look at my right hand remembering when it got turned to a monster arm.

"Uhhh," I shove my hands in my pockets. "No."

"Suit yourself..." After a second, she gets sucked into the tube. Instincts kicked in and I ran to her. "I gotcha! I gotcha!" I yell trying to pull Star out, after a second, she was able to break free and grab the sandwich, but before we can say anything to each other, all the tubes of the structure started exhaling steam, which throws me and Star away. We look at the sandwich then at the thing, then back at the sandwich. O no. We book it out the cave yelling from our lungs as the thing chases us. We were at the edge. I try to start climbing down.

"Let me just, hang o--!!" I was pushed off the treetop freefalling. We're gonna die! Star casts a spell on the ground and we crash to it, but it launches us away, straight into tree vines. I look ahead seeing the sandwich land. I look further back seeing the monster animal thing? Did it- I see steam. It survived! Trees start rustling. O no.

"Star, we better get ou--STAR!, We gotta get out of here!" I see the steam coming closer.

"STAR! Pay attention!" She still reaches for the sandwich. I wiggle trying to get free. I was able to get my left hand free. I grab the dimensional scissors from Star's bag and cut the vines. I fall to the ground but didn't waste time making the portal as well. I turn seeing the monster animal. I grab Star's legs and pull her into the portal. We land in the hallway.

"I had it in my hands Marco." I frowned a bit mad. "I have no idea what you were thinking." Star gets up and walks away. I get up soon after approaching her.

"I was thinking of not dying!" Suddenly, a green arm comes out from the portal and grabs my leg. I look around to get something. I grab the flowerpot and hit it with it making it let go. I kick it back into the portal and close it.

"We went through all that trouble and this sad little scrap of sandwich is all we have to show for it!" Star said mad. I started to get madder.

"That's because it's not worth dying for a stupid piece of food!" I yell slapping the sandwich out of Star's hand and onto the wall. I needed to cool off.

"Ah, I'm going to my room," I say heading to my room.

"I hate when you act like this. It makes me wonder why we're even friends." I stopped my tracks. That stung... I turn to look at her waiting for her to say something like sorry or I didn't mean it. Instead, she looks at the sandwich. She starts scraping it off the wall.

"Ugh, where did all these flies come from?" I look at her angry before slamming the door. I stomped my way to my desk. I threw the things off it. I sat down. I know she didn't mean it... right?..... I really hope she didn't.... we went through a lot, and it wasn't long when she first arrived at my school. The memories of our adventures slowly came to mind. I sighed.... I went to the floor picking my stuff back up and placing it back on the desk. Star is still my friend. Sometimes friend's fight. I should say sorry. I get up ready to leave till suddenly something covered my vision and mouth. STAR!!!!!! I was dragged out and pulled somewhere. I hear a portal open. So different dimension. I was dragged and dragged. I dropped my weight sliding from my hoodie, but they grabbed my stomach having the bag still over my head. I struggle from their grip, but I think 2 of them have me in place. After a while I was finally placed on a chair. My hands placed on armrest and chained? Finally, the bag over my head came off. I blinked seeing I was in a glass cage. I tried to struggle out but didn't work. I was in the dining hall from what I can tell. I see a glimpse of the monsters that left. Great. I hear my stomach rumble. Okay first is to get out of here. I struggle moving my arms. I kick my feet and still nothing. I hear a door open. I look up. A monster I haven't seen. He walks down the table to the final seat. There was a plate and controller. He did nothing. I struggle again. I didn't know how much time has passed. I feel my stomach grumble. The Fly monster calls him Toffee so I'm guessing that his name.

Marco vs the forces of LifeWhere stories live. Discover now