24. Hanging with Tom

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"Mom. Dad. This is Marco. Marco Diaz." I was hanging out with Tom. Star didn't want me to help with the little royal meeting of Eclipsa and the Spiderbites so I asked Tom if we could hang out at his place. He said sure and that's how I'm meeting Tom's parents to.

"Greetings Marco. I'm Tom's father Dave and this is my lovely wife Wrathmelior."

"Nice to meet you two," I say shaking Tom's dad's hand and waving at his mom. She looked to the side.

"Well Me and Marco are going to hang in my room. Come on Marco." Tom leads the way grabbing my hand.

"Bye Mr. and Mrs. Lucitor!" I yell as he leads to his room. His dad waves bye and his Mom doesn't seem to like me. When we made it, I had to ask. "I don't think your Mom likes me."

"I think she's still mad about the whole thing at the Lava beach and the ummm Booth."

"O." I remember. Star told me.

"But I think she's warming up. She'll get use to you. Now how about some games?" I nod. We played a couple games. Even ping pong that I lost again. Now he was telling me stories about Star back then as we ate some food. Food that I could eat and isn't corn.

"Then I was like Star you can't do that! But you know Star. She would always go blazing in!" I started laughing.

"Man, Tom. I didn't think she would fall into the waste of the horses well unicorns."

"I know. It took her forever to get rid of that stench. I kept my distance till it was gone." I munched on the food.

"Star always has fun on the ride though." We look at each other. Did we just say that?

"O well. How about we play video games?" Tom instantly gets up. He pulls them out. I watch him. I lost my appetite. I place it on the side. Then I see a tail popping from Tom's bed. I get off and look under.

"Marco what are you doing?" I jumped hitting my head from under.

"I thought I saw something." Then the figure hopped out.

"Marshmallow there you are." The little rabbit hopped onto him. I got up watching Tom pet the little guy. It was actually cute. I smile at the scene. The rabbit hopped off of Tom and into my arms.

"Hey careful. Don't want you hurt. I almost dropped you from that. That's dangerous to," I tell Marshmallow. "Tom will get me if your hurt. Right Tom? Tom?" I look at him looking at me.

"Huh? O yea. Come on Marshmallow." He picked her up and went to sit down in front of the screen. He gestured next to him. I went and sit down. He explained how to play. While explaining, Marshmallow walked off Tom and onto my lap. I started petting her and scratching her body.

"Marco, are you listening?"

"Yea. Just Marshmallow is so fluffy." I rubbed under her neck. "Aren't you cute~." She wiggled her nose then got comfortable. "Alright let's play!" We started the game. I did do bad but got the hang of it. We started dominating the levels.

"Up, down, A, LT, A, B, and Boom!" we yelled. We beat the game! The screen showed you win! We did a little victory dance.

"That's was so much fun! What should we do next?"

"I don't know. Star hasn't texted me yet saying I can go back."

"Marco take off you clothes." I started blushing.


"Yea. You try my clothes and I try yours."


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