26. The Dreams Explained but.....

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"Ugh! We still have so many invitations to hand out! How are we gonna deliver them all?" I sighed. We barely sent any. We went to a lot already and still have 300 of these invitations.

"Come on, here. Let me show you how it's done." Janna takes the invitations from me and walks up to the guy helping arrange the coronation.

"Hello, sir. Hand these out to 300 of your friends before midnight, or you'll die." He screams off with invitations.

"She's joking! You know you didn't have to do that."

"But it's working."

"Imma go help set up the coronation." I walk to the exit but look at Globgor. Someone put a bow on him. I chuckle. Sorry Globgor. I head out and walk to the Monster Auditorium. Better check the progress while Star's out. Don't want her panicking. I head to the Auditorium checking the stuff. It looks like everything is fine.

"Marco Thank you for helping."

"No problem Eclipsa. I think everything is set for now."

"Why don't you get dress. Lavabo has your suit ready and Star should be back soon." I nod at her and head to see Lavabo.

"Ahhhh. Marco Diaz. Your clothes are ready."

"Thanks Lavabo," I say smiling as he gives me the neatly folded clothes. I wave bye and head to my room. I change into the clothes and put my meat blanket on. I mean I know the M doesn't stand for Mewni but it helps. I am sort of a knight to ever since I was knighted a while back by Eclipsa. I can't believe Star was able to plan this less than a day. So much already happened and she told me she was planning a coronation for Eclipsa. After the whole blood moon curse gone, I invited Tom to the dragon's cycle club ride. but in that meantime, I hanged with Kelly but I decided to call it off. Of course, I felt bad but I think it was for the better. Then we had our annual dragon Cycle ride where Tom didn't know how to ride one. I was able to help him a bit. And when we meant up with the rest of the group, Talon called us Lovebirds! I felt my inside twist but played it cool. Kelly even called me out of the breakup buddy. But the word lovebirds stuck in my head. Tom called me cool to when I thought he was the cool one! This is getting me all over the place. I sighed. I should start heading back now. I open the door seeing Tom with his hand up.

"I was about to come and get you. Star was getting worried. We're all dressed." I take a look at Tom. He looked good in his black suit. I shake my head.

"Okay cool. I was heading back now." I walk pass him but get yanked back. "Tom." He took off my meat cape and threw it back into my room and started shoving me out. "Tom! You c-"

"It's better this way. Hurry up before we're late." I sighed and continued to walk with Tom. We made it. The closer we got I can hear the commotion from the audience. We were finally behind stage. I felt one of my shoulder epaulettes move then fall. I tried putting it back.

"I got you Marco." he grabbed the epaulette and started fixing it back on my shoulder.

"Five minutes to curtain, everybody! Five minutes!"

"I dunno, Tom. Are you sure I shouldn't wear my meat blanket?"

"Dude, trust me on this one." I eyed but he just flickered my forehead. "And done. and stop worrying about the meat blanket. You look good in your suit. Now imma go check on the audience." I nod as he walks to the curtain. I walk to the side. The thing is starting in 5 minutes. Okay I can step outside for a second before the thing starts. I step out the auditorium for a second. I take a deep breath. I look up and see Eclipsa floating back to the tower. Hopefully she gets back in time. After a minute, Star passes by me and head to the tower. I walk back on-stage seeing Tom. I walk up to him.

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