15. Soulrise

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"Deep in the sand, a wicked ember glows. Though all around, a chilling wind doth blow. With heat and spark and smoke uncurled, bring forth the fires of the underworld!" The campfire suddenly burns with flames. I smile and put my marshmallow on it like the others. We were at Lava lake beach. Tom took us here and I'll admit I was excited a bit.

"I love how spoooooky Underworld beaches are."

"Isn't that kind of the Underworld's... thing?" I ask kind of confused.

"Yeah, it's pretty metal. Hey, Star, finished your marshmallow."

"Aw, I finished yours, too! Twins." They exchange them. I notice Tom's arms. He does kinda look good in that hoodie. But that hoodie looked familiar but from where?

"Wait a second. Is that one of my hoodies?" It finally hit me.

"Yeah, I gave him a spare one for the beach."

"I gave it a little custom job. You want me to do yours?"

"No!" I didn't realize I left my marshmallow on the stick to long to mush through the stick.

"Oh, man!" I sigh then looked at Kelly. "Kelly, can I have one of yours?" She was munching on one of her four.

"Um, I actually licked all of these."

"Yeah, okay, never mind."

"Aw, it's okay, Marco. You can have our last one."

"Here you go, dude." Tom gestured the completely fired marshmallow on his stick. I grab it and the fire went away showing the very toasted mellow.

"Oh, man, the Soulrise is gonna be so great this year!"

"Oh, yeah. And we got such a good spot to watch it."

"What are you jerks doing in our spot?!" 2 walked up to us.

"Your spot? We were here first!" Tom barked back.

"Yeah, I don't see your name on it."

"Well, maybe you need more eyes."

"Hey! Back off my girlfriend, man!" I frowned for a bit.

"Sounds like this guy's looking for a fight.

"There's only one way to settle this." He rips off a skull off a skeleton. I gasp.


"How are we settling this? How are we settling this?!" I started to panic.

"Skull!" He threw up the skull. "Volleyball!" We found a court nearby and started to play. Us v.s them. We were tied but I missed one so now they have 11. Next serve was up. The skull of the girl was replaced of the other skull.

"Kelly it's yours!" She walked out and I tried going for it, but didn't get it. I fell face flat on the sand.


"That's cheating!"

"Hey, your friend looked upset. Maybe you should check on her." I look up at the skeleton girl. I get up.

"Kelly!" She was gone. I turn to Tom and Star. "Guys, where did Kelly go?"

"It's okay. We can still take these chumps. Star and I haven't even unleashed our secret weapon." Star jumps on Tom's shoulders, and they start flying around the volleyball field. I was already done and Kelly needs to be found and safe.

"Fine. Marco will fix it." I started walking along the beach. I didn't see anyone. Maybe she'll hear me. "Kelly?" A sandcastle falls.

"Did you say "Skelly"?"

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