10. Visiting Star

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It's been a couple days since Star left. Summer already started.... I miss Star...... I sit on the bed in the room that was once Star's.... Well sorta her room I mean she made a magic room..... This isn't close to her room. I pulled my hoodie down..... I just want Star back..... She hasn't came back.... Days passed already......... I waited long enough but.... I can't just show up....... I walked down and headed to the kitchen.... Might as well eat something...... I go to the fridge seeing if there was anything to eat. Nothing.... I opened the cabinet... Cereal..... Captain Blanchie... Star loves this cereal.... Maybe I can get her the box! I can see her again! I grab the box and head up to my room. I grab my scissors that I left on the counter. Okay.... I can do this... Mewni.... I open the portal. I hold the cereal in hand. I walk through. "Uh, Star?" I walk through. I see the place mostly trashed but from partying form what I seeing. "Wow, this place is a mess."

"Marco!" King River says yelling and running to me.

"Oh, hey, River." He gives me a hug tightly.

"Marco, my boy! I can't believe you're here!" He starts to whisper, "Have you seen Foolduke's monkey?"

"Uh... no."

"Well, we better keep an eye out. I threw him— Uh?" He sees the box of cereal that I held, crushed.

"Well, what's this?"

"Oh, well, they were Captain Blanche's Sugar Seeds. It's, uh, Star's favorite cereal. You can't get them on Mewni, so I brought her a box."

"Marco, you're not giving that to my daughter. It's all smashed. Probably a good thing she's not here." I sighed. "Now there must be some other way to summon forth the music. We will rock at you!"

"Look, River, I gotta say I'm pretty worried about Star. She left Earth in kind of a hurry. She's not in trouble or anything, right?" I say a bit more worried.

"No, not at all! She and her mother just took a little trip, and Moon Pie asked me to keep up morale in the kingdom until they get back. So we've been rippin' it nonstop for days!" O no.

"I-I don't know, man. Have you looked outside?" I walk to the balcony. I look out.

"What do you mean, 'Have I looked outside?" I turn seeing River walking to the balcony.

"What I mean is morale doesn't look so high to me." A building was burning, Mewmans were running and screaming in panic.

"What are you talking about, Marco? The people are happy if their king is happy. Let me show you." He steps onto balcony railing. "Greetings, my gleeful subjects!" The Mewmans gather in front to listen. "Ah! Funny story! My know-it-all friend Marco Diaz here seems to think you're not having a good time. And I said, "That's impossible!" Of course, you're having a good time with all these good times I'm having. So tell me, are you not lifted?!" One in the yelled Whooo! But the complaints didn't take long to follow.

"How's about you lift some of this garbage out of the streets?!"

"Huh? Is that what that stuff is? I thought you were all having a garage sale," River said. Another Mewman yelled, "What are you gonna do about the burning building?!" I open my mouth watching as the flames start taking the house.

"Ah, you have to let one burn every once in a while. How else will you have room for a new one?" River responded.

"Well, what about the monster in the cornfield?" I look down at the elderly women.

"There's no monster in the corn—" I see the monster at the cornfield.... I was shock and maybe a bit shock.

"Huh. Well, I'll be dipped. Well, I should be able to take care of that." I kinda have no faith in this. He cracks in knuckles.

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