Captured (pt.1)

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The sound of metal hitting flesh echoed inside the empty warehouse. The room was dark and the only source of light was the broken windows above them, which allowed some sunlight to slip in. The men inside the room looked at the man, that was being tortured with a bored look.

For them, the man who was being tied on the chair with his eyes and mouth covered was nothing but a bug that gets to live for a little longer because he holds something their boss desires to know.

The said man, their boss, was silently sipping his whiskey with the same look as his men. His cold eyes glared at the man that was being ruthlessly beaten with an iron rod as his eyes revealed a tiny bit of killing intent. He narrowed his eyes at the man and waved his hands dismissively. The sound of metal hitting the flesh immediately stopped, as the man wearing a black suit stepped back into the darkness without another word.

The glass of whiskey he was holding was swiftly taken away by the man standing behind him as he stood up and made his way towards the tied man. His slow steps echoed throughout the room, making the captured man shiver a little without even seeing anything. The temperature around him suddenly dropped a few degrees as his legs started to tremble unconsciously. The man wiggled in his chair, trying to lose the ropes that were biting his wrists. They have been beating him for a long time, using ruthless techniques to make him open his mouth but he never felt such a sense of terror gripping his heart.

Mr. Lee watched him with great amusement, enjoying the fear the man in front of him has just by his mere presence. He clicked his tongue mockingly. Looking at men like him, Mr. Lee truly felt they were pathetic.

"Such a pity that you thought you could escape from me. Has the underworld forgotten who I am or where they belong?" Mr. Lee said coldly with his hands inside his pocket. His stance was cool and relaxed, however, it was his voice that made everyone in the room shudder slightly.

"I heard you refused to open your mouth in front of my men," Mr. Lee chuckled darkly, "I would've been amused at your tolerance if I didn't have to waste my time here." Mr. Lee looked at his side and nodded once. Another man wearing a black suit emerged from the darkness and untied the cloth on his mouth and eyes. The man blinked a few times trying to adjust to the sudden brightness. The man's face was swollen to the point where it was difficult to know how he actually looked. His cheeks were so painful that even thinking of saying something hurtful. He just stared at Mr. Lee with his eyes half open with blood dripping from his forehead to his eyelids.

Mr. Lee smirked sadistically as he looked at him.

"Look at you," he clicked his tongue, "I asked my men to beat your face in, and that's exactly what they did. I heard you were the first one to escape when my men found your hideout and you have the gall to call yourself a leader?" Mr. Lee sneered at the man. Not anyone can be a part of the mafia. Although Mr. Lee doesn't always follow the laws, there are still some rules he and many other mafias swear by.

For him, running away is what cowards do. And a coward can never be a leader. Running away as soon as shit hits the fan without even thinking of his members is not what a leader should do.

"Tell me who ordered the kidnapping and I might spare you." Mr. Lee said indifferently. However, the bruised man just laughed loudly. His head lolled to one side as he spits out some blood. He looked back at Mr. Lee with a crazed smile.

"I can see you think I'm stupid, Mr. Lee. You think I'll believe that you'll let me go even if I told you who it was?" The man scoffed. His smile was long gone from his face as he stared at the floor with a distasteful expression.

"If only I had known who I was kidnapping... That man will rot in hell when he dies for tricking me like this!" The man suddenly screamed out of frustration. Mr. Lee could tell that the amount of torture he had to go through has definitely affected his mental state a bit. He gave a look to his right-hand man, who in return just shrugged while smiling lazily. Mr. Lee sighed inaudibly as he looked back at the man who seemed a little out of his senses.

"So you didn't even know who you were kidnapping?" Mr. Lee raised his brow. The man was so lost in his thoughts, that he didn't even realize he was being asked something. Mr. Lee asked again, this time kicking one leg of the chair harshly. That seemed to bring the man back to his senses. He dumbly looked at Mr. Lee's face and blinked before nodding his head.

"I- I didn't! He told me she was the daughter of some lowly goon, who had offended him. He even offered me a handsome price that I couldn't refuse. Who would've thought that you were that brat's father?" The man shook his head, scoffing at his stupidity. He should've known that no one would pay such a high price for the kidnapping of a lowly goon's daughter. But at that moment, he was blinded by greed and accepted without asking any questions.

Mr. Lee immediately frowned. Haneun's identity, as his daughter, is a piece of very confidential information. No one other than his men and his family knows about this. To think that some outsider could get a hold of such information made his eyes darken. There's no way someone would've gotten this piece of information if it wasn't leaked from the inside. But the question was, who was it that suddenly grew the balls to betray him?

"Who is the person you are talking about?" Mr. Lee glared at the man but he just shook his head.

"I can't tell you. He'll kill me if he finds out that I told you." The man chuckled bitterly. His gang wasn't a small one. He has been working in the underworld for a long time to know how things goes around here. If you have your men to support you, then there is nothing you should be afraid of. However, all his members were now wiped out by the man standing in front of him. He is left with nothing that could save him anymore.

Mr. Lee chuckled darkly, "And if you don't tell me who it was, you'll just die a little faster. No matter which path you choose, you dying is the only end. But I guess you already know that, am I right?" Mr. Lee mocked. The man immediately looked a bit alarmed at Mr. Lee's words, sensing that something is wrong but his face paled when he heard what Mr. Lee said next.

"You see, I really didn't wanna do this but you left me no choice." Mr. Lee shrugged nonchalantly as he walked back to his seat. Immediately after he said that a woman was dragged and thrown right in front of the tied man. The woman's hands were tied behind her, so she struggled a little to sit up. But once she saw the face of the man in front of her, endless tears started to fall from her eyes. She sobbed loudly as she looked at his state. The man's state wasn't too good either. As soon as he saw that the petite figure was his wife, he began to struggle more in the ropes. His eyes revealed fear that he felt at the moment as they reddened with unshed tears. He gave Mr. Lee a hopeless look.

"Please!! Don't hurt her!" He begged but in return, he only heard a dark chuckle.

"Now, why would I do that? My men starved all night trying to make you speak but you just ignored their word. Why do you think I'll listen to anything you say?" Mr. Lee replied heartlessly and just at a small movement of his finger, a gun was pointed straight at the woman's head. The girl immediately panicked. She silently sobbed while looking at her husband with tears in her eyes. In her heart, she has already given up on her hopes for living.

"I'm still open with my offer. Tell me who it was, and I'll spare you and your wife. I don't care if you believe me or not. The faster you tell me, the faster you can go away and live a happy life with your wife. And if you don't, your wife dies in front of you before I kill you." Mr. Lee took another sip from his whiskey and kept the empty glass aside.

The man looked troubled. He glanced at his woman who stared back at him. Her whole face was red and blotchy, showing that she has been crying for a long time. Her hair was a mess and a layer of sweat covered her forehead. But she didn't appear to be seriously injured, just a bit traumatized. The man sighed in his heart. She was alright.

The man looked at the ground and nodded with a defeated look, "I'll tell you everything."

Mr. Lee looked pleased with his answer and nodded towards the man who was holding the woman at gunpoint, and he immediately withdrew it. Mr. Lee calmly looked at the man and leaned back in his seat with a small smirk.

The man licked his dry lips and began explaining.


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