Is a friend indeed

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I slowly started to regain my consciousness. The sound of horns and tires screeching reached my ears however, no matter how much I tried to open my eyes, it felt like they were glued together.

I was trying to move when my body suddenly jerked forward but something tight wrapped around my chest prevented me from face planting on something. A groan slipped through my mouth, feeling a slight ache in my ribs.

"Oh, you're awake? That's good. We're almost here."

Hearing a very familiar voice, my eyes slowly opened. I blinked multiple times trying to keep them from closing again. Everything around me looked hazy and my eyes burned as if they'd been washed with bleach.

I looked beside me to see Jimin driving with a very serious face. I blinked again and looked towards the road. We were no longer surrounded by forest. It was almost time for sunrise and the road was not as crowded.

I looked at Jimin again. Feeling my eyes at him, he glanced at me once, giving me a small smile.

"You still look like shit, by the way." He commented, still smiling.

"What happened?" I rolled my eyes, ignoring his comment.

"Oh you mean after you fainted and I had to handle everything--"

"Answer the damn question, jackass. And where are we heading right now?" I snapped at him unintentionally. I could already feel a headache on its way and not to mention, I feel like my eyes are on fire. However, Jimin didn't seem offended. He chuckled softly while shaking his head in amusement.

"Looks like the night has made you even grumpier than before." Jimin laughed.

"I'm not-"

"Oh don't even try to deny it! Look at your face right now. It's all scrunched up into a frown and although you look cute, you look like you'd kill me any moment now." Jimin's smile slowly flattened when he glanced at me again to see my face darkening.

He cleared his throat and concentrated back on the road trying to avoid my eyes.

"Jeez! After you fainted, I had to carry you to where hoseok was. I found car keys in your bag so I searched the area and found your car. I left before the backup arrived so that you won't be seen. I planned to take you and hoseok to one of the safe houses to treat your wounds but then Olivia called and asked me to bring you both to her address. So now we are heading to whatever address she sent me." Jimin explained.

I breathed a sigh of relief and leaned back in my seat. Looks like everything is going smoothly.

"What about Hoseok?" I asked before coughing softly. My throat felt dry and itchy.

Jimin pointed towards the backseat with his thumb without moving his eyes from the road.

"He hasn't moved an inch since I threw him there. We need to get him checked." Jimin frowned slightly.

"Just keep driving. Olivia would know what to do." I took a deep breath again and closed my eyes. Jimin nodded silently and continued driving. My thoughts began to drift.

Many things have changed in these years. One of the biggest things that changed was the relationship between me and Olivia. From being total strangers to becoming someone we both can trust.

It wasn't easy for the both of us, especially her, to trust each other. After all, we both weren't that different. Unlike me, she didn't know that we'd already known each other in my past life. I thought of giving her an offer when she'd be kicked out in this life too but changed my mind after realizing that would be a bad idea.

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