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The way how Ali die always replay on everyone's mind, especially for Boboiboy. He blamed himself on Ali's death because he let his own little brother joined the fight between Adudu and them.

* At the scene because I'm not good at writing a fight zone.  *

Boboiboy, Ali and his friends were fighting against an army of aliens. Boboiboy split into 7 powers, Ali using his mother's yoyo, Yaya with her gravity power and Ying can control time also some super speed. Meanwhile, Fang was using his shadow power and Gopal with turning molecule object into foods. They were fighting fiercely towards the enemy. But they didn't realize that Adudu's plan to bomb all the Pulau Rintis island.


All the army was finally defeated. But, Ali had a bad feeling that something is bad gonna happen. Then, his mind snapped into reality when they heard Adudu's laugh.

Adudu: so you have defeated my army, eh?
Boboiboy: you bet we are. Now, surrender yourself or you will face the doom.
Fang: yep, do what he's say or you will be my pet's lunch.
Adudu: well, I will surrender but the whole island are going to be in danger.
Ali: what do you mean by that?
Adudu: if you want to know, I have been putting some bombs all across the Pulau Rintis island and the pupils will die, hahahahaha!!!
Yaya and Ying: why you piece of - !
Boboiboy: language!! There's children in here.
Ying: sorry...
Gopal: welp -
Adudu: ugh, I don't have time for this nonsense! The bombs already been online and now all of you have 1 minute left, so bye suckers!!!

Then Adudu take his leave. Boboiboy and his teammates were panicking back and forth while Ali try his best to hacking the bomb's code. With using his I. R. I. S, all the bombs eventually went offline. All of them sight in relief but suddenly, Ali realized there's only one bomb left online.

He try to use I. R. I. S again but it couldn't reach it. He knows there's only one way left, the option was to teleport the bomb and himself to the sky far away from the island.

Ali: guys, I know how to deactivate the bomb but all of you will not gonna like it.
Boboiboy: what's the solution, Ali?
Ali: this.

Ali then teleport himself up in the sky while the bomb was falling towards his way. Ali's comm went ringing a bit.

Boboiboy: Ali,  are you out of your mind?! I can't lose my only little brother died because of a bomb!!
Gopal: Boboiboy's right, Ali. Who's gonna join me eating all the foods I make? Who's gonna be your great sisters like Yaya and Ying? And who's gonna be Boboiboy and Fang's little brother? We cannot lose you, please!
Ali: it's alright, guys. But, my time has come to the end for now. I hope all of you can live peacefully when I'm gone.
Boboiboy: why... Why Ali, why?!!
Ali: it's okay, Boboiboy. Remember I always be close to your side forever. Always in your heart.

But there's no time left because the bomb is nearer and nearer towards his direction. He's only got 5 seconds.

The portal was open.

The bomb went through it.

He smiled.

' Goodbye, Boboiboy '

He went to the portal himself with the bomb.

* BOOM *



Chapter two is out. Sorry about my writing skills above. But, I hope all the readers will like it. Vote and comment down below, bye. Have a nice day 👋

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