Chapter 44.

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Lizzie's P.O.V.

Today was the day I’ve been dreading. The day of the court case. I haven’t even slept because of how nervous and scared I am. For the first time in around two to three months, I have to face my dad. I was kind of wishing this would never have to happen again. I just want him out of my life now. Hopefully after today he will be and for good.

I was sat curled up on the couch, staring at the blank wall when I felt a pair of hands on my shoulder, causing me to jump. I looked up and saw Andy stood there, looking at me concerned.

“You okay?” He asked, as he moved to come and sit next to me.

I shrugged my shoulders and went back to staring at the wall.

I heard Andy sigh as he pulled me into a hug.

“It’s all going to be okay.” He muttered.

“Is it?” I whispered.

“Of course it is. Don’t doubt yourself, Liz. We’re all on your side. You’re not the only one to have reported him. I know your mom is sick in the head also, but you have to remember he did the same to her and she reported him. There’s more of a chance of him getting put inside than him walking away from there freely.”

I nodded slightly. We sat in silence again as there was a knock on the door. I felt Andy get up to go and answer it. I heard talking, before Andy and whoever made their way into the lounge. I heard someone whisper something before the couch dipped down next to me.


I looked to my left slightly to see CC sat next to me, also looking concerned.

“How you feeling?” He asked.

“Okay, I think.” I answered.

“We’re going to win this LizLiz.”

Again, I just nodded, when a mug of Coffee was placed in front of my face. I looked up to see Andy stood there holding it.

“Drink it.” He said.

I grabbed the mug carefully, and brought it to my lips, taking a small sip.

“Liz, there is no point in worrying about it all right now. Just take each moment as it comes, nothing is going to happen. We’ll all be there for you.” Andy said, sitting down on the arm of the sofa.

“I’m just scared.” I whispered.

“Why? Nothing’s going to happen Liz, we won’t let it happen.” CC said, placing a hand on my back.

“It’ll be the first time I’ve seen him since he raped me.” I muttered.

“And Liz, you have to remember, there will be police around, he won’t do anything, he’ll know not to do anything with them around.” Andy said.

“I know, but I’m still really scared Andy.” I muttered as I started crying.

Andy frowned and stood up, getting me to stand up also, as he pulled me into a hug, resting his head on top of mine.

“I’m so scared.” I whispered again.

“I know baby, I know.” Andy all but whispered as he ran his fingers through my hair.

Just then, there was another knock at the door.

“Could you get that?” Andy asked CC.

I heard CC get up and make his way out of the lounge. Once again, I heard talking at the front door, when I heard the door shut and multiple voices making their way towards the lounge.

I pulled away from Andy and wiped under my eyes as I gave him a small smile as CC re-appeared, with Jinxx, Sammi, Jake and Ella.

Sammi let go of Jinxx hand the second she saw me and ran over, to give me a hug. Once again I started crying.

“Sweetie, don’t cry.” Sammi said.

I nodded and pulled away, as Ella pulled me into a hug.

“That motherfucker is going to end up where he belongs later on today.” She growled, causing as all to laugh slightly.

I pulled out of the hug and moved onto Jinxx, then Jake. Both of them giving me a kiss of the cheek and wishing me good luck.

As I sat back down, I realised that they were all dressed rather smartly.

“You’re all dressed rather smart aren’t you?” I asked quietly.

“Well duh, we’re coming to support you.” Ella said.

I grinned and wiped my eyes to get rid of the tear that managed to escape.

“You didn’t think we were going to let you face this day alone, did you?” CC asked.

I shrugged.

“I’m not used to support.” I answered.

“Get used to it, sweetie, we’re always going to support you.” Sammi said.

I nodded.

“We’re Ashley and Lauren?” I asked, directing my question to CC.

“Lauren is on her way and no one knows about Ashley, he’ll probably be here in a minute.”

I nodded and stood up.

“I’m going to get ready, we have to be there in an hour.” I said.

They nodded and Andy followed me upstairs.

“You’re going to be okay, Liz. We’ll all be there, just look at us if you’re nervous or scared. We’re there to support you, not him.”

“This all means so much Andy. I don’t know where I’d be if it wasn’t for you.” I said, hugging him again.

“It’s alright, Liz. I’m always going to be here, and you know it.” He said.

“Andy, I’d be dead by now if it wasn’t for you. Because of you I’m still here. Because of you, I now know what happiness is. You’ve given me a new life, Andy and I can’t thank you enough for it. I was nothing but miserable before I met you. Keeping myself shut in one room, listening to music. My life was getting to the point where not even music could help me; I was that depressed, nothing helped. I didn’t feel a thing when I would cut, I was so numb. Whereas, if I was to do it now, I just know I’d regret it instantly and I won’t be able to take the pain.

I love you so much Andy, I’ve become a better a person because of you. I never want to leave you, because I just know I’ll go back down hill and will be back to square one.” I said, as I lent up and kissed him.

“You did all this yourself Liz, I didn’t do it, you did.” He smiled.

“But you supported me. You were the first person to support me in anything.”

“And I’ll continue supporting you.” He mumbled and kissed me again.

“Now you go and get ready, before we’re late.” He grinned.

I nodded, before pulling away and making my way over to the closet. I picked out my outfit, making it as smart as possible, before taking the clothes with me into the bathroom.

As soon as I finished, I re-entered the bedroom and quickly did my make-up and hair, before making my way downstairs.

Upon entering the lounge, I noticed Lauren and Ashley had arrived, along with Hayley. I smiled as I saw Hayley stand up and run to me. She engulfed me in a hug and swayed us side to side.

“Good luck Lizzie.” She said, pulling away.

“Are you coming along as well?” I asked.

She nodded and grinned.

“Andy asked me to.”

I looked up and over at Andy, before thanking him. He nodded in return as Lauren and Ashley made their way over to me, also giving me hug.

Once everyone had sat back down, I made my way into the kitchen, to fix us all drink quickly as Andy came in to help me carry them in.

We sat around talking a bit; before I looked up at the clock and sat the time was 12.30. They wanted us to get there at One or before, so they could go over with me what will happen, before actually entering the court room.

“We better go.” I sighed, standing up and taking my mug back into the kitchen, washing it.

I felt the nerves kick in again as everyone came into the kitchen, placing the glasses and mugs in and around the sink for me to clean later. I felt someone place their hand on my shoulder, causing me to look up and see CC looking down at me.

“Come on. Get this over and done with.” He said.

I nodded and let him guide the way out as I grabbed my bag with my phone and keys.

Three cars were taken in the end, Andy, Ashley, Hayley and I in one. CC, Lauren, Jinxx and Sammi in another, while Jake and Ella went in the other car.


As we entered the court I gave them my name as they nodded and told me to take a seat. As we were sat waiting I stood up and looked at everyone.

“Is it alright if I only take a few of you in there with me?” I asked.

They all nodded, telling me it was fine. So I carried on.

“It’s just, I feel that I might get a bit uncomfortable having to explain it in front of everyone. I’m not saying I don’t trust any of you, because I do, jeez, you wouldn’t be here now if you weren’t actually my friend, right?” I rambled.

“It’s fine Lizzie, honestly. Who you going to take?” Jake asked.

I sighed and nodded.

“I just want to take Andy, Hayley and CC in, if that’s okay?” I asked.

Everyone nodded again as Sammi jumped up and hugged me again.

“The rest of us will be supporting you from out here.” She said.

I nodded as I heard someone cough from behind me. I looked up and saw Andy glaring at whoever it was.

Sighing, I turned around and saw my mom stood there.

“Good luck.” She smiled slightly.

“You too.” I mumbled.

“Can I have a hug?” She asked.

I shook my head no and walked back over to the seats and sat next to Andy, who grabbed my hand.

“Lizzie come on, we’re in this together.” She begged.

“No mom. You’re lucky I didn’t report you to the police when I reported dad. You’re just as much to blame as he is.” I whispered harshly, so no one other than the guys, mom and I could here.

“And I’m sorry about that. I’m also sorry about hitting your boyfriend. I don’t know what came over me.” She apologised.

I looked at Andy as he just nodded and looked away from her.

“Not now mom, maybe we’ll talk later, after the case is done with.” I said.

She sighed and nodded.

Just then, a lady came out the court room and walking towards us.

“Elizabeth Parker?” She called out.

I stood up, along with Andy, CC and Hayley.

“Have they come along with you today?” She asked.

I nodded.

“Okay, well would you mind taking a seat in the court room, it’ll be starting shortly. I just need to talk a few things over with Elizabeth.” She said.

They nodded and gave me hugs and a kiss from Andy before they were shown their way in.

The lady took me to a small, interview like room and sat me down as she started talking. Just telling me what would happen and that yes, I will have to face my father and there are possibilities he will try things, but he’ll be handcuffed and have two policemen with him the whole time.

I nodded once she finished and led us back out into the corridor. I could see the others still sat there, talking among themselves quietly. I made my way over to them hugging them all, before the lady led me towards the court room.

I rubbed my hands on my thighs, and I could feel my palms starting to get clammy the more nervous I got.

“There’s no need to be nervous miss Parker. You’re in safe hands with us.”

I nodded and entered the room through the door she held open. I was led up to my seat, as I looked around looking for Andy, CC and Hayley. As soon as my eyes connected with Andy’s he smiled and gave a slight nod and winked. I nodded and sat down, waiting for the case to start.

A few minutes later a door the other side opened as two policemen walked in, escorting my father. I saw him looking over in the direction Andy was sat as he glared, before turning to me as his face held an evil smirk.


Once the first part of the case was over, we were asked to leave the room and return in about an hours’ time, as my mom was escorted into the room next.

“So what now?” Ashley asked as we stopped in front of them.

“We just wait for an hour.”

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