Chapter 45... The End!

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Lizzie's P.O.V.


I let out a sigh of relief and smiled slightly as I looked over the Andy, CC and Hayley, to see them grinning.

The judge read out how long my dad was sentenced to, which turned out to be up to nine years inside.

When it got to the time they took my father away, he started fighting against the policemen and started shouting.

“Elizabeth, I’ll get you back for this.” He shouted. “You and your pathetic mother, better watch your backs.”

The policemen all but shoved him out the door, before I was escorted out the room, after thanking everyone. After I was left by myself, I walked over to everyone who was waiting in the corridor for us.

“Well?” Ella asked, once she saw me.

“Up to nine years.” I smiled, tears forming in my eyes.

They all jumped up and cheered and Sammi, Ella and Lauren all pulled me into a group hug. Once we pulled apart, I hugged the guys, and turned around as I heard someone call my name.

I saw Andy, CC and Hayley walking towards us.

I grinned and ran over, jumping and hugging Andy. I felt him laugh, as his body vibrated. He hugged me tighter and spun us around once. He pulled away slightly, causing me to jump down. He kissed me, cupping my face.

Once we pulled away, he rubbed his thumb under my eyes.

“Why are you crying?” He asked.

“I’m just so happy.” I smiled.

“And I’m happy too, Liz. I told you it would go well for you.” Andy grinned.

I nodded and hugged him again, before moving to hug Hayley and CC. They both congratulated me, as I saw my mom walk over.

She went to say something before I turned away and faced Andy again. I draped my arms around his neck, as he placed his hands on my hips.

“How about we go and get those tattoos now?” Andy whispered in my ear.

I grinned and nodded.

“I say let’s do it.”

He nodded and we made our way over to the rest of the group.

“You guys go ahead to my place. Liz and I are off out somewhere for a little bit.” Andy said.

Taking the spare house key off the key ring and chucked it to Jinxx. Hayley and Ashley planned who they would ride with, while Andy and I said bye to everyone, before heading off to the tattoo parlour.

“You stilling getting what you said earlier?” Andy asked, resting his hand on my thigh as he drove.

“No, I starting thinking about it earlier, and decided to change it to ‘We are more than our bodies’” I said grinning as I looked at him.

“Lyrics from our new song?” He asked grinning.

“Yeah, They’ve been stuck in my mind even since you played it to me. And what better way than having my first tattoo being related to my wonderful boyfriend?” I smiled.

“You don’t have to do that, honestly, Liz.” He said, grabbing my hand.

“No, I really want to.”

I saw him grin and nod, as we pulled outside the tattoo shop.

We both got out of the car and I walked around to meet Andy, as he grabbed my hand and led the way inside.

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