Chapter 1.

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Lizzie's P.O.V.

Here I am, walking down the street to the venue for tonight’s concert, Black Veil Brides. I’ve been a fan of theirs for about Two years, but this is the first time seeing them. I always used to worry about having someone to go with me to a concert, but after I realized I won’t ever have any friends I gave up on waiting for someone to say they will go with me, and decided to start attending them by myself. I have no problem with that, some of the fans tend to turn round in the line and chat, but not enough for us to then exchange numbers or whatever to meet up again.

I adjusted my bag on my shoulder, while checking Twitter on my phone. I didn’t have many followers, but enough to keep me using it. I decided to send a tweet ’@ItsLizBiatches: On my way to see BVB #Excited’. I sighed and slipped my phone back into my jean pocket, and crossed the road to get into the queue for the show.

I stood behind a group of around four/five girls, while picking at my freshly painted nails, something I have always done when I’m nervous or bored. I looked around at everyone around me when one of the girls in front of my turned to me and spoke.

“Hey, where are your friends?” She questioned.

I looked at her before looking down at my feet and mumble

“I don’t have any.” I looked up and saw her talking among her friends again.

I sighed and looked across the road at nothing in particular.

“Why don’t you hang with us?” The girl turned back round.

I looked at her wide eyed. No one has ever asked me that before.

“A-Are you S-Sure?” I stuttered.

She chuckled and nodded her head.

“Of course. My Name’s Hayley by the way.” She smiled, sticking her hand out for me to shake.

“L-Lizzie.” I said shaking her hand.

“Sweet. Anyway, this is Laura, Sophie, Ellie and Hannah.” Hayley said pointing to each girl as she said their names.

I gave them a small smile and waved.

By the time it got to 7o’clock the queue was down to the end of the street and round the corner. I looked to the front, and saw how close we were.

“Is this your first time seeing Black Veil Brides?” Ellie asked.

I looked at her and nodded.

“Yeah, I’ve always wanted to come and see them, but never did because no one ever wanted to come with me.” I said.

She nodded.

“Well I grantee that you will love them, they put on a fantastic show.” I smiled and nodded.

By now, I was really excited. Having someone to talk to while waiting made the time go by a lot faster.

“Hey, do you have Twitter?” Hayley asked.

I nodded and got my phone out, showing them. Hayley took my phone off me and started typing away on it, before handing it back to me.

“There, I’ve added all of us on there for you, so after this we can maybe meet up again.”

I smiled and nodded.

“Okay, thank you.” I put my phone back in my pocket, and got my ticket out before handing it to the man at the door for him to scan. He handed it back and I made my way inside.

I walked over to the girls who were waiting and we made our way in and towards the stage. We got as close to the front as possible when a group of guys came running over and pushing us, separating us. I looked round to see if I could find the girls, but saw them nowhere; I looked back to the front and saw that I was closer to the stage than I previously was.


The support acts had just finished, and the crowd was now chanting “Black Veil Brides” over and over. The lights went down, the sound of guitars came through the speakers, the curtain dropped and the band went straight into ‘New Religion’. I looked around me and started jumping and singing along, I wasn’t going to let these guys around me stop me from having fun, even if they were pushing and shoving me, screaming things in my ear. This is the only time I can forget about everything and be myself without everyone judging, everyone here is exactly like me. They finished the song and went into the next, which was ‘Youth and Whiskey’ and the crowd screamed again.

As the song finished, Andy walked towards CC’s drums and picked up a water bottle before heading back to his microphone.

“You guys are all here to have a fantastic time tonight, right?” He said into the microphone.

The crowd screamed again. I looked up at Andy and saw him shake his head, while smirking.

“I said, you guys are all here to have a fan-fucking-tastic time tonight, right?” The crowd screamed even louder, and Andy nodded.


He turned to look at Ashley, before looking back out to the crowd.

“As you know, we are Black Veil Brides, thank you for joining us tonight.”

The crowd screamed again.

“We’re going to get back into things now; this is our cover of Billy Idol’s Rebel Yell.” Andy screamed as the music started.

It was when they were on their Fifth song, ‘Love Isn’t Always Fair’ when what the guys around me were saying, started to affect me.

“Oi, Little Miss-No-Friend’s, why are you even here.” One of them shouted in my ear.

I looked at him before looking back to the stage.

“You have no friends, because you’re a depressed freak.” Another said.

I continued looking at the stage to see the band going into their next song ‘Children Surrender’.

“Hey, Bitch. Why aren’t you answering us?”

Again I chose to ignore them. You get used to all this when you have to put up with it for about Five years in school. I went back to jumping and singing along with the band, when one of the boys around me grabbed me to stop me.

“I said, why aren’t you answering us?”

I shrugged my shoulders.

“I guess I just didn’t want to.” I shouted back at him.

I looked at him and saw the anger in his eyes. I tried to push my way, away from him, but he grabbed my arm, span me round and hit me.

“Don’t answer me back.” He said through clenched teeth.

I heard the music stop and looked up at the stage, to see Andy looking right at us.

“Hey, asshole.” He shouted into the Mic.

The guy who had hold of my arm looked up at the stage.

“Yeah you. What’s your fucking problem?”

“You faggots, and this freak here in my problem.” He shouted back.

“You have a fucking problem with us? Well come and fucking tell me what your mother fucking problem is.” Andy shouted.

I looked around and saw everyone watching. Oh how embarrassing, some idiot bullies me, my idol see’s, stops in the middle of his set and everyone in the venue is watching us.

“Come on, you mother fucker, if you have anything to say, you come up here and say it to my mother fucking face. You don’t hit a girl, and you most definitely don’t hit our fucking fans. Come on. Get up here and tell me your fucking problem.”

The guy looked at me then at Andy, and stayed here. I looked back at the stage to see Andy staring him down.

“What I fucking thought. Keep your opinions to your fucking self, and you and your friends get away from the girl. I’ve been watching you fuckers the whole show, don’t think I don’t see what you mother fuckers have been doing. You waste your money coming to a fucking concert, so you can fucking hate on us and the fans, well guess what mother fucker, you’ll never be half of what these fucking people are. They have fucking respect, while you’re getting off on making other peoples lives’ fucking hell.” Andy shouted.

I looked at the guy as he shouted back,

“I’m a better person than you, and at least I don’t look like a fucking girl.”

I looked back at Andy and from here I could see the anger in his eyes.

“Fuck you mother fucker, at the end of the day, I’m the one who’s up here living his fucking dream, while you are down there in the fucking crowd trying to start shit. Get the fuck out of here, we don’t want to see your faces again.” Andy shouted.

I looked around me and saw that the guys weren’t moving, as security came up to them, asking them to leave. They eventually did, and the guards made sure I was okay.

“Hey sir, can you bring the young girl back stage, and make sure she’s okay?” Andy said to the security guard who was stood by me, he nodded and lead towards to front of the stage, and over the barrier before, walking over to a door by the side of the stage, and leading me through it.

When we entered a guy came rushing over, taking me from the security so he could go back out to the crowd.

“You okay?” He asked me.

I nodded.

“I’m Jon by the way, the bands tour manager.” I nodded and shook the hand he was holding out.


He nodded.

“Okay Lizzie, we’ll lead you to the dressing room, get you some ice for that cheek.” I nodded and followed him, as I heard the band continue the show.

This could possibly be the best yet worst night of my life.

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