Chapter 13.

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It’s 1.30pm and I had just finished work for the day. I was waiting outside the office for Jen to pick me up. I really need to get my own car. I had been told before I left that I didn’t need to go in again until they called me for the next photo shoot, or if there was anything else they wanted me to do. I was quite surprised; I was expecting to have to go in every day but obviously not.

I was stood playing with my phone, when a car pulled up in front of me. I looked up and saw Jen leaning over to open the door.

I grabbed hold of the door, keeping it still as I slid in, placing my bag down at my feet. We exchanged hellos as Jen drove off, taking us back home.

I have never felt as home as I do at Jen and Hayley’s. Even though it is just the two of them, Hayley’s Dad works away from home, so is very rarely there, and I have yet to meet him. The seconds I stepped into their house, I felt welcomed. Jen has been more of a Mom than mine could ever be, the other day she even let me tell her everything that happened back at my parent’s place. She was disgusted to say the least, even more so when I told her it was just me they did it to, and loved my little sister. Also Hayley was like my sister, my little sister, although she acts more like an older sister, but whatever. I couldn’t thank the two of them enough for what they have done for me these last few weeks.

When we got home, Hayley came running over to me, pushing me towards the stairs.

“Go get changed into a bikini, we’re off to the beach.” She said, pushing me all the way up and into my room.

I chuckled, and pushed her out of my room so I could get changed. I searched through my swim wear, until I found my favourite one. It was Black and had White swirls on it. I placed it on my bed, before going through my closet looking for a pair of shorts and a clean top.

Once I found them, I stripped off what I was currently wearing, before pulling my Bikini on, along with my shorts and tank top. I found my sandals and slid them on before going over to my mirror, so I could re-do my hair and make-up. Once I was done, I grabbed my sunglasses and placed them on top of my head, as well as grabbing my phone, keys and iPod. I made my way downstairs and saw Hayley stood there waiting for me.

“Good, you’re ready. Laura, Sophie and Hannah are there waiting for us.” Hayley said picking up her bag.

We said bye to Jen, and started the walk to the beach.

When we arrived, Hayley found the girls and we made our way over to them. We exchanged hellos as we sat down, and looked around at everyone else here. We were sat quietly until Hannah spoke up.

“I have to leave just before three, guys.” She said.

We all looked at her.

“Why?” Sophie questioned.

“I have to pick Joey up from school.” She answered.

“Why can’t Craig do it?” Hayley whined.

“Because he starts work at three.”

We all nodded and went into silence again.

“Hey girls, guess what Lizzie did yesterday.” Hayley suddenly said.

I looked at her confused, before realizing that she was going on about me and Andy. I felt the heat rising to my cheeks and looked down at my lap as the others looked at me.

“What?” I heard Laura question.

“She’s only gone and kissed Andy.” Hayley giggled.

“Andy who?”


I looked up to see all three of them gaping at me.

“What?” I questioned.

“How did that come about?” Hannah asked.

“She’s kept in contact with Andy since the concert.” Hayley answered for me. “We met up with this the other week in the park, and he got her the job as the photographer for AP Magazine, and she did their photo shoot yesterday, so he invited her back to his.” Hayley grinned.

“Did anything else happen between you both?” Sophie winked nudging me, causing the others to laugh.

“No, it was just a kiss.” I groaned. “I don’t’ see the big deal in it.”

“It’s Andy Biersack for Christ sake” Sophie all but shouted.

“That’s what I said.” Hayley pointed out.

“Yes, but he’s still a normal person.” I shrugged.

“That’s true.” Hannah said.

“Thank you, someone agrees with me.” I pretended to cheer.

The others laughed and Hayley just glared at me.

“Don’t look at me like that.” I warned. “I told you last night, that you over reacted. It was cringe worthy how much you fan girled over it.” I chuckled.

She continued glaring at me before slowly smirking. I shook my head and chuckled before looking back out towards the people on the water.

We continued with the small talk between us, Sophie and I chatting among us, while the other three were in some heated discussion. I looked over at them and saw Hannah standing up.

“You off?” I asked, looking up at her.

“Yeah, I need to get to Joey’s school before they let them all out.” She said, pulling her top back over her Bikini top.

I nodded and we all said bye before she left.

We sat in silence again before Hayley spoke up.

“Lizzie, do you know why Andy cut his hair?” She questioned.


“I thought you would of.” She shrugged.

“Oh right, well I’ll just call him and ask shall I?” I questioned.

“Really?” She squealed.

“No, I was being sarcastic. Why would I call him just to ask him about his hair?”

She shrugged.

“I know I would.” She mumbled.

“Hayley, I don’t mean to be rude sweetie, but you’re rather weird like that.” I smirked.

“I’d rather be weird than normal.” She fought back.

“I agree.” I heard a male voice say.

I looked up and saw CC stood there with Ashley. I smiled at them, and looked at Hayley, Sophie and Laura, to see them gawping at them. They both sat down in front of us. I shook my head and looked back at Hayley.

“You saying I’m normal?” I asked her.

She didn’t answer, as she continued staring at CC and Ashley, who were both sat there trying not to laugh.

“Will you snap out of it?” I shouted, hitting Hayley up the back of the head.

She jumped and looked at me confused, before looking back at the guys. I sighed and turned to them.

“Sorry about her, she’s not all there.” I said.

It was Hayley’s turn to hit me up the back of the head, causing Ashley and CC to laugh. I rubbed the back of my head and pouted.

“Oh you’ll get over it.” Hayley grumbled. “Or you could get Andy to kiss it better.”

I turned back to Hayley and glared, only for her to laugh. I turned round to the guys again and saw them smirking. I then looking over to Sophie and Laura only to see them quietly laughing.

“Does someone like our Andy?” Ashley cooed.

I glared at him, causing him to laugh again.

“They’ve already kissed.” Hayley beamed.

I pulled my legs up and rested my arms on my knees before burying my face. They sure know how to embarrass me.

“That explains why he was in such a good mood this morning.” I heard CC say.

“Where are the other three?” Sophie questioned the guys.

I looked up slightly watching them all.

“Jinxx is with Sammi, Jake went home because he’s not feeling too great and Andy decided to stay at the studio to work on some more songs.” Ashley answered.

We all nodded and I lay back on my towel, suddenly feeling tired. I heard the others talking among themselves while I just lay there quietly. I felt myself dozing off, when I sensed someone standing over me. I opened my eyes and saw Ashley looking down at me.

“May I help you?” I asked.

“I was just waking you.” He smiled, sitting back down next to me this time.

“Why?” I yawned.

“Lover boy is on his way.” He smirked.

“We’re just friends.” I grumbled.

“For now.” He winked.


“You know I’m right.” He said nudging me.

Do I?

It wasn’t long until I saw Andy making his way towards us. I looked down at myself, and realized how noticeable the scars on my stomach were when I wear just a bikini. I sighed and grabbed my top and pulled it back on. I looked up, and saw everyone looking at me confused. I shrugged, and Ashley stood up, before going to sit back down next to CC.

As soon as Andy approached us, he said hello to everyone, before taking the spot Ashley was previously sat in, next to me. I smiled at him, which he returned, before I introduced him to Sophie and Laura.

I looked at Hayley and saw her trying to contain herself, which confused me because she’s already met him.

“Hayley, don’t you dare freak out again.” I warned.

“It’s hard.” She whined.

“That’s what she said.” Ashley cheered, causing all of us to laugh.

Hayley glared at him because joining in with the laughter. For some reason CC seemed to find it funnier than the rest of us and started slapping his lap, before falling over into the sand, causing the rest of us to laugh more. He eventually calmed down, and sat back up.

“I don’t get what was so funny.” He said looking at us confused.

We all shrugged, before he copied our actions and went back to doing what we were previously doing.
Hayley completely forgot about the freak out she was to encounter and started up a conversation with Ashley. CC started talking with Laura and Sophie. Sophie being the one talking the most to him while Laura just answered when they directed a question at her.
I sighed and went back to lying down on my towel and closed my eyes. I felt Andy shifting around next to me, before I felt him place his head on my stomach. Automatically my hand made its way into his hair, and started playing with it.

We stayed like that for a while, until I felt Andy turn his head.

“Are you doing anything tonight?” He asked quietly.

“No, why?”

“I want to take you out somewhere.”

I smiled slightly.

“Where?” I questioned.

“Nowhere fancy, I don’t do that kind of shit. So you can just dress how you normally do.” Andy chuckled.

I smiled, before nodding, only to realize he probably couldn’t see me.

“Okay.” I beamed.

“Excellent, I’ll pick you up at 8?” He asked.

“Sure.” I smiled.

I felt him sit up, and followed his actions. We both stood up. He pulled me into a hug. I hugged him back. He pulled away before giving me a quick kiss.

“I’ll see you tonight.” He smiled and made his way back in the direction he previous came from.

I sat back down on my towel, and saw everyone looking at me.

“Just friends.” Ashley started. “What a load of bullshit.”

I smiled, and went back to thinking how tonight could turn out.

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