Chapter 19

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Two weeks later and it’s the day before Andy and the rest of Black Veil Brides head over to Europe. It was going to feel strange going from spending pretty much every day in the last 2 months to only being able to talk to him via the phone or web chat.

As of right now I was stood in the kitchen making breakfast for myself, Andy, Hayley and Jen. Andy and I had gone out again last night and came back here when Andy decided he didn’t want to go home and spend the night by himself now that his parents have gone home.

I got down four plates and placed two slices of bread on each plate, before getting the Bacon off the grill and onto the slices of bread. Before I had the chance to shout up to Hayley and Andy that it was ready, they were both stood at the entrance of the kitchen.

“Is that Bacon I smell?” Andy asked.

I nodded.

Before I had the chance to understand what was going on they both rushed passed me and picked up a plate each and sitting at the table, eating the sandwiches eagerly. I stood there watching them a few seconds, before moving over to the other plates and taking one into the little office room that was next to the lounge, that Jen was in. I knocked on the door, and heard a quiet “come in.” before I opened the door gently and walked in to see Jen typing away on the computer. Hayley’s Dad had called up last night asking Jen if she could fly out to him. He is constantly travelling with his work, and right now he was over in England.

I walked over to the desk and placed the plate down, as Jen looked up.

“You didn’t have to do that, Sweetie.” Jen said.

I shrugged.

“I wanted to.” I smiled.

“Thank you.” Jen took a bite before she continued talking. “Is everything alright out there?”

I nodded and giggled slightly.

“Yeah, Andy and Hayley are like animals the second the see or smell Bacon.”

Jen chuckled and nodded before going back to looking at the computer. I stood there talking with Jen until she had booked her flight for a couple of days’ time. We made our way back into the kitchen, to see both Andy and Hayley in some debate. I went over to where I left my Bacon Sandwich and placed it on the table in front of them both, no longer feeling hungry.

“It’s yours.” Andy said pushing it back to me.

“I’m no longer hungry.”

“You sure?”

I nodded.

“Yes Andy.” I sighed before making my way upstairs to get ready.

I heard a chair scrape across the floor before the sound of feet stomping up the stairs. I turned round and saw Andy following me.

“Lizzie, what’s wrong?” He asked when he reached me.

I turned back around and walked into my room before answering him. I waited for him to come into my room and shut the door, and then made my way over to the bed.

“I’m just scared about what will happen when you leave tomorrow.” I said quietly.

“Nothing will happen, babe, and if it does, just call me and I’ll be on the first flight back.” Andy muttered, wrapping his arms around me.

“I never realised how safe I felt around you until this morning, knowing that in a couple of day’s I’ll just have Hayley.” I cried.

“Don’t cry please.” Andy begged. “If you cry, I’ll cry and I hardly ever cry.”

I giggled slightly, wiping my tears away.

“Sorry.” I smiled.

Andy smiled and kissed me lightly and pulled away. He shuffled around on the bed until he was lying down with me by his side, with my head on his chest. We stayed silent until Andy’s phone on the night stand buzzed. He groaned and tried to reach over without having to move completely and grabbed his phone. He read whatever was on the screen before typing back and turning to me.

“Go call all your friends and tell them to meet us all at the beach around 12.30.” Andy said.

I sat up and looked at him confused.

“Ashley just texted, he wants a get together with you girls before we go to Europe tomorrow.”

I nodded, and went over to my dresser with my phone on top and texted the girls telling them to meet us at the beach at 12.30. Once I had done that, I chucked my phone on the bed, after looking at the time and seeing it was 11.30. I sighed and ran down the stairs to let Hayley know, knowing she’ll need at least 45 minutes to get ready. I honestly have no idea why it takes her so long to get ready, especially to go to the beach. I mean yeah I put make-up on, but I don’t bother straightening my hair, I just put it up in a bun and leave.
I walked back up to my room, to see Andy just relaxing on my bed.

“I’ve decided, I don’t want to meet up with the others.” Andy said from his position on my bed.

“Why?” I giggled.

“Your bed is comfy and I just want to spend the day in it with you.” He grinned.

I shook my head laughing and made my way over to my closet.

“As cute as that is, it’d be kind of silly to pull out of it now after agreeing and me telling the girls.” I said as I grabbed a pair of denim shorts.

“But we were originally going to have the day as just the two of us.” He whined coming over to me and wrapping his arms around my waist.

“Don’t you want to spend some time with your friends?” I giggled.

“No.” He grumbled. “I have to spend a month with them on a tour bus. I can survive one more day without them.”

“Andy, go and get ready, we’re going for a couple of hours at least.” I said, wriggling me way out of his hold.

By now Andy had some of his own clothes over here, seeing as in the last week he spent a lot of time here.

“Fine.” He mumbled and went over to where he kept clothes.

I laughed and started jumping up and down.

“What’s got into you?” Andy asked turning around.

“Nothing, I’m just proud of myself for getting you to listen to me.” I grinned.

“I listen to you all the time.” He said.

“Yeah, but not on something like this. You normally talk me into doing what you want to do.”

“True.” He shrugged.

We both laughed before going back to getting ready. I ran into the bathroom to brush my teeth, and freshen up slightly and made my way back into my room. Andy walked to the bathroom as I left, so I changed into my bikini before pulling on my denim shorts, and found a vest top to go with them. I then walked over to my mirror and applied and tiny bit of eyeliner and mascara before pulling my hair into a bun on the top of my head, letting my fringe fall over my eye. I walked back over to my closet as Andy came back into my room. I rummaged around until I found a light weight cardigan and pulled it on.

“Why on earth are you wearing that?” Andy questioned. “You’ll pass out from the heat.”

I gave him a look before holding my arm up. I saw the flash of pain in his eyes before he nodded, letting me know he understood.

He walked over and held the arm with the scars and pulled the sleeve up before tracing the scars with his finger. He took his hand away before bending down and kissing my wrist gently, causing it to tingle slightly.

“Never again.” He said keeping hold of my arm.

I nodded and he rolled the sleeve down. I was doing pretty well so far, in the last two weeks I haven’t felt the urge to pick up the blade and drag it across my lightly tanned skin.

I smiled up at Andy and gave him a quick kiss before we exited my room and found Hayley waiting for us downstairs.


When we reached the beach, we found Ashley, CC and Jake kicking a ball among them while Jinxx was sat down on one of the towels with Sammi, just away from Ellie, Sophie, Hannah and Laura. We made our way over to them. Hayley running to the girls while me and Andy went over to Jinxx and Sammi. I placed my bag down before standing back up fully as Andy sat down. He looked at me confused while I held up a finger, signalling him to give me a minute.

I walked over to the girls greeting them all, before sitting down next to Ellie. At the moment she was still feeling slightly uncomfortable after witnessing what happened with my Dad, and a few days later, she told me about how she had heard my Dad shouting at me and me screaming for him to stop when he would hit me, but I told her there was nothing she could of done if she didn’t know who exactly it was coming from.

“You okay?” I asked her.

She nodded her head and continued reading the book she had in her hands.

“Ellie, you don’t have to be so uncomfortable around me y’know?” I chuckled. “I’m not fragile.”

“Andy seems to think you are.” She muttered quietly.

I frowned slightly.

“Yeah, well Andy’s just over protective.”

“I wouldn’t say over protective. Any guy would be like him if they witnessed their girlfriend getting hit by their Dad.” Ellie snapped. “You’re not stopping me from feeling guilty.” She said quieter.

“Ells I told you before forget it. It’s the past. There was nothing you could have done.” I said.

“Yes there was. I could have walked up and down the street and get a rough idea to which house it was all coming from, I could have called the cops.”

“You really think that would have helped?”


“You’re wrong.” I said. “I called them myself once, my Dad lied his way out of it, what’s to say he wouldn’t do it again?”

Ellie stayed quiet and went back to her book. I sighed and stood up.

“I came here to have fun with the guys before the leave. So I’ll talk to you girls later.” I said turning to walk away.

“But you never spend time with us anymore.” Laura spoke up. “You’re always with Andy."

“Laura.” Hayley hissed, nudging her side.

“Liz, you go spend some time with Andy. I know you’re worried about being away from him.” Hayley said.

I sighed and nodded before turning round and making my way over to Andy who was now by himself lying back on a towel. I sat down next to him and watched Ashley and CC play fighting.

I was caught up in my own thoughts, watching the other guys that I didn’t notice Andy sit up slightly, until he had wrapped his arms around my waist and pulling me back down onto the towel, so I was lying with him. I squealed and started giggling when Andy buried his face in the crook of my neck, placing light kisses on my shoulder. He brushed his hands gently up and down my sides causing me to squeal and try to make my way out of his grasp. Andy pulled away laughing, giving me chance to sit up and move away slightly.

“Are you ticklish?” Andy questioned raising an eyebrow.

I nodded, causing Andy to smirk and slowly make his way to me. My eyes widened as I scrambled to my feet and started running. It didn’t take long to Andy to be just a matter of steps behind me, until I felt his arms wrap around my waist, lifting me up and spinning around until he fell to the ground, me falling on top of him. He grinned up at me, before flipping us over and started tickling me. I started screaming and laughing like a maniac with tears streaming down my face, while people walked past giving us strange looks.

I started to find it hard to breathe from all the laughing and screaming, but Andy didn’t seem to realise.

“A-Andy stop, p-please.” I struggled to say as I gasped for air.

He grinned at me but didn’t stop.

“A-Andy, please. I can’t b-breathe.”

It was that sentence that got him to jump up and help me sit up so I could control my breathing.

“Shit, I’m so sorry Lizzie.” Andy said, panicking.

“Andy.” I started.

He looked up at me, worried.

“Shut the fuck up.” I smiled.

He smiled back slightly, and helped me to my feet once my breathing calmed down, and led the way back to the towels.

By now, everyone was sat in a big circle, playing a game of truth and dare. Andy decided we weren’t going to join in, so sat on a towel, just to the side of the circle, pulling me down with him and laid back. I placed my head on his chest, while he stroked my hair. We stayed like that for a while, when Andy started talking quietly.

“Do you want to head back?” He asked quietly.

“Can we spend a bit longer? I want to prove the girls that I don’t ditch them all the time to be with you.” I said.

“Babe, you don’t ditch them for me all the time. You go with them, occasionally meet up with me or you work.” Andy said.

“I know, but they don’t seem to think I spend enough time with them.”

“Well then they’re clearly not that great of friends.” Andy stated. “If they were, then they would understand that there are more people in your like than just them. Hayley understands doesn’t she?”

I nodded.

“Yeah, but the others seem to think she’s okay with it because I live with her, although we hardly see each other.”

“What about Ellie?”

I shrugged.

“I’m not sure what she thinks. I just know she still feels guilty about everything with my Dad.”

“Give them some time. They’ll come around.” Andy said. “Come on. I want to spend some time just you and me before I go tomorrow morning.”

We both stood up, gathering our towels before saying bye to everyone. No one questioned where we were going, and Hayley just said she’ll see me later. I nodded and grabbed Andy’s hand as we made our way home.

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