Chapter 40.

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Lizzie's P.O.V.

In the end CC and Lauren went back to their place to get their outfits for the bands celebratory dinner tonight and came back here to get ready, mainly because Lauren really wanted to help do my hair and make-up.

So right now, the boys were using the other bathroom, while Lauren had me sat on the edge of Andy and I’s bed. Lauren had used the bathroom before me and got her hair and make-up ready, while I went and had my second shower of today.

Once I entered the room, I saw that Lauren had set and outfit out on the bed ready for me, I picked it up and walked back into the bathroom and change into it. It was a short black dress, with a belt around the middle. I re-entered the bedroom, and walked over to the mirror to have a look. I looked over at Lauren to see her looking at me.

“Can I wear some tights with this? I feel too exposed.” I said quietly.

She nodded and I went to where I had put my tights before pulling a pair out and pulling them on. I straightened the dress and looked in the mirror again, deciding it looked much better. I nodded to myself and turned around and walked over to Lauren.

“Where do you want me?” I asked.

“Sit in this chair.” She said pointing to it.

I nodded and walked over to it and sitting down. I looked in the smaller mirror and watched Lauren behind me.

“Where do you keep your hair dryer and straighteners?” She asked.

I pointed to the drawer they were kept in as she walked over and got them out. She went back to standing behind me and grabbed the brush off the top of the dresser and ran it through my hair, before plugging in the hairdryer and switching it on. We sat silently as she dried my hair until she was onto straightening it.

“I’m glad CC has found someone who makes him happy.” I said quietly.

I watched Lauren in the mirror to see her blushing slightly, and biting back a smile.

“Thank you. He’s a great guy.” She answered.

“He is. He’s wonderful.”

“How did you become good friends with him?” Lauren asked.

“To be honest, I’m not entirely sure. I suppose it’s because a couple of times he’d be with me to comfort me while Andy was busy somewhere or something. He’s like a big brother I never had.” I smiled slightly.

“That’s cute. Do you have any sisters then?”

And just like that my smile was gone.

“Yeah, one.” I mumbled.

“I get a feeling that’s a touchy subject.” Lauren frowned.

“That’d be correct.” I snapped, regretting it almost instantly.

“Sorry, didn’t mean to bring it up.”

I shook my head.

“I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have snapped, you weren’t to know.” I said.

I looked up at the mirror and watched as she finished the rest of my hair in silence. Once she finished, she clipped my fringe back and moved in front of me to start on my make-up.


About twenty minutes later, Lauren moved away from me and asked if it looked okay. I leant in closer to the mirror and looked at the make-up and nodded before thanking her.

Just as we were about to leave the bedroom, Lauren went running back to the wardrobe and started rummaging through my shoes. She suddenly pulled out a pair of high heels, that were once given to me, but I never wore.

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