Chapter 26.

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Lizzie's P.O.V.

Beep! Beep! Beep!

Not the most pleasant sound you want to wake up to, but then again, I didn’t want to wake up.

I heard the door somewhere in the room open and someone walk over to the bed before sitting down and grabbing my hand. I knew the touch belonged to Andy straight away. He started rubbing his thumb gently over the top of my hand, before he lifted it up and pressed his lips to it.

“Lizzie, I need you to wake up, please.” He whispered.

I could tell he had been crying, it was evident in his voice.

“I need you. You’re what keeps me going, especially after my Grandpa.”

I tried squeezing his hand, let him know I can hear him, but nothing happened. I kept trying, but eventually gave up. I felt the need to try and open my eyes and almost succeeded until I was blinded by the light. I opened them again, slower this time and slowed moved my head to look at my right, where Andy was sat. I tried squeezing his hand again as he wasn’t looking, only for it to cause sheer pain up my arm. I gasped and relaxed my hand.

Andy’s head shot up and he looked at me wide eyed.

“Thank god you’re awake.” He said going to hug me.

I coward away causing him to stop mid movement and looked at me confused.

“I’m not going to hurt you Lizzie.” He said.

I shook my head and just held my hand out. It was the only form of contact I was comfortable with.

“H-how long was I out for?” I asked.

“Round about twelve hours.” Andy said, looking at me, a pained expression on his face.

I looked away, ashamed that he saw me like this.

“Lizzie, why?” Andy asked.

I shrugged.

“You must know why you did this.”

I stayed silent.

“Talk to me, please.” He begged.

I turned back to him and saw a tear roll down his cheek.

“Don’t cry.” I croaked.

“I just worry about you.” He said. “You scared me back there. Lizzie, I need you to tell me why you did it. I want to help you.” He said.

I stayed silent, knowing that sooner or later he would figure out who it was. He wasn’t stupid, I don’t need to tell him things, he knows what upsets me, and he knows the main one is my Dad. It won’t be long until he puts two and two together.

“That note back at the house.” He started. “Was it from your Dad?” He asked.

See, I told you. 

I nodded my head, ashamed that Andy knew my Dad was the cause of this.

“Lizzie, what’s he done? Why was he threatening you like that?”

I stayed silent, although I knew he would keep asking until I told him, I just didn’t want to talk about it.

“I’m going to ask you one more time Lizzie, so please answer.” He said. “What did your Dad do to you?”

Just as he asked the doctor came into the room. I silently thanked him and looked at Andy to see the annoyance on his face.

“You’re awake.” The Doctor smiled, walking over to the bed, and checked everything.

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