Chatper 21.

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*WARNING: Contains abuse*

I looked at my sister, before nodding and rushing back into the lounge.

“I’ve got to go. I’ll be back shortly.” I rushed out, before running out the front door.

I followed Lauren home, running the whole way.

When we reached the front door, she turned to me close to tears.

“I’m sorry Lizzie, I didn’t realise he was this bad.”

“Doesn’t matter, we need to go and save Mom.”

She nodded and opened the front door. She checked in the lounge and kitchen before coming back to me.

“They’re upstairs.” She panicked.

“Alright, you stay down here and I’ll go and stop it.”

Lauren nodded and walked slowly to the kitchen as I ran up the stairs. I kept a listen out for the slightest of sounds. It was oddly quiet, my Dad wasn’t shouting, Mom was screaming or crying, I couldn’t hear anyone moving about.

I looked around me and continued running across the landing, I threw the door to the bathroom open and saw nothing, I checked my room, even though I knew nothing would happen in there, along with Lauren’s room. The only room left was my Parents room, of course. I took a shaky breath, and slowly walked to the door. I stopped in front of it, and placed a shaky hand on the handle. I took another breath before pushing the door open.

I stepped into the room, and saw Mom and Dad sat on the bed, talking quietly. My Dad looked up and I looked at them confused.


“You fell for it didn’t you?” Dad laughed.

He looked at my Mom and she started laughing with him.

“She fell for it.” He said to her.

“B-But Lauren was covered in bruises.” I said.

“You really think Dad would hit me? His perfect daughter?”

I turned round and saw Lauren stood there smirking.

“B-but.” I stuttered.

“You’re so fucking stupid.” She laughed, lifting her hand up which held a wipe and dragged it along her face.

Sure enough, none of it was actual bruises, it was all make-up.

“You’re fucking sick.” I shouted. “All of you. That’s not something you should joke about.”

“Why? Because it hurts your feelings?” Dad asked now standing closer to me.

“N-No. Not me, but if others heard, it would probably upset them.”

“But they’re not going to hear about this are they?” Dad questioned. “You’re not going to tell anyone again, are you?”

I finally realised what he was on about, and started stepping backwards slowly.

“I-I didn’t mean to tell him, I p-promise.” I stuttered. “It’s just slipped out.”

Before I had the chance to realise what was going on, I felt a fist connect with my left eye.

“Oh I’m sorry.” My Dad sneered. “My hand slipped.”

I started walking backwards again, until I felt hands on my back and pushing me into my Dad.

“Stay away from me you freak.” Lauren shouted.

I looked around at her, before looking up at my Dad and saw the anger burning in his eyes.

“Maybe all this will teach you not to go around telling people everything that happens.”

He pushed me into the wall with more force than he has ever used on me before, causing me to fall to the floor. I cried out in pain, causing my Dad to come storming over. He pulled me into the middle of the room by hair with me screaming and crying while clawing at his hand.

He dropped me on the floor again, and pushed me onto my back with his foot and stood there slowly adding more pressure onto my ribs.

“If you tell anyone about this, I will not be afraid to hunt you down and kill you.” Dad said once he knelt down beside me.

I cried and nodded, while he stood back up and kicked me in my sides, causing me to cry out in pain again. He grabbed me by my hair and pulled me up and continued hitting and punching me.


Around 20 minutes later, my Dad left the room, giving me chance to compose myself slightly. I stood up slowly, and made my way over to the door. I needed to get out of this place before anything else happened. I opened the door, and made my way across the landing when I heard someone storming up the stairs.

I turned around and came face to face with my Dad.

“Where do you think you’re going?” He asked.

I continued staring at him. When he realised I was going to say anything, he grabbed my wrist and yanked it causing me to follow him back into the room.

It felt like he never wanted me to leave the house again, like I was going to die in this very room.

He continued hitting me again, before dragging me over to the bed.

“Your punishment has only just begun, Elizabeth.” Dad said.

He got off the bed, and locked the door, before coming back over. He sat back on the edge of the bed and looked at me.

“Your little boyfriend won’t ever want to be seen with you again once he sees you like this.”

At the mention of Andy, the tears made their way down my face. There was no sign of them stopping any time soon.

“Come here.” Dad said.

I refused to move, scared of what he was going to. It wasn’t long though, that I realised it was a mistake to stay put.

He moved on the bed, so he was kneeling in front of me on the bed.

“You’ll soon realise that was a mistake, going against what I say, Elizabeth.” He said.

Before I had the chance to even answer back, he was leaning over me and letting his hands wonder.


When I eventually got out of that hell hole I once called home, I walked as fast as possible down the road. When I knew I was a safe distance away, I slowed my pace, so I was walking as slow as I possibly could.

I felt used and violated. I knew my Dad hated me, and I knew he was content on making my life hell, but I didn’t think he would go as far.

I pulled my cardigan around my body tighter, and wiped the tears away, and slowly made my way back to Hayley’s house.

Once I turned into the road, Hayley lived down, I started panicking. How was I meant to go in there and hide everything that has happened? Surely there had to be a way, I could slip through the front door and make my way upstairs and into my room without anyone noticing. But just my luck, I left without my key after panicking, thinking that Dad was making it dangerous for my Mom.
How could my own Mom and Sister lie to me, to get me back to the house, just so my Dad could abuse me? I should have realised the second I saw Lauren at the front door, that it was all just some sort of trick.

I sighed and realised I was going to have to face Hayley sooner or later.

Once I reached the front door, I took a shaky breath before knocking on the door and waited for Hayley to answer. It wasn’t long until I heard her shouting in a joking way at the girls in the lounge before opening the front door. She went to say something, but the second she saw me, I saw her eyes fill with concern.


Before she had the chance to finish what she was saying, I went passed her and straight up the stairs and into my room.

I went rummaging through my closet, looking for something clean to wear, and made my way to the bathroom. While in the shower, I continued to scrub my skin until it was raw. But no matter what, I could still feel his hands on me.

I eventually stepped out of the shower, and changed into what I had previously picked out, before making my way back into my room and got under my covers with my phone next me. I heard it buzz against the pillow, and saw Andy’s name flashing across the screen, signalling that he was calling. I sighed and pressed ignore, before lying back down in bed. My phone buzzed again and I picked it up to see this time Andy had texted me. I completely ignored it and switched my phone off, and just continued lying there in silence, reliving today’s events. It had gone from such a fun day, to possibly one of the worst in my life.

I felt myself slowly drifting off, when there was a load of noise coming from downstairs. I heard the girls saying bye to Hayley before the door shut, and there was the sound of Hayley running down the stairs. She walked straight passed my room and over to hers, where I heard her rummaging through things.

It wasn’t long until I heard her bedroom door open again, and the sound of her walking closer to my room. She eventually stopped and knocked on my door. I didn’t answer, but it seemed like she was going to come in either way.

My door creaked open and Hayley’s head popper round the corner.

“Lizzie, what happened?” She asked as she stepped in my room and gently shut the door.

I sat up carefully, and just looked down at my hands.

“Lizzie, please. I want to help you.” Hayley said, sitting on my bed.

She went to place a hand over mine, causing me to flinch away. I looked up at her slightly, and saw tears slowly making their way down her cheeks. She wiped them away before looking back up at me.

“Lizzie.” She didn’t say anything else, but she didn’t need to, I could see the question in her eyes.

“H-He raped me.”

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