Chapter 3.

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Lizzie's P.O.V.

As I entered the dressing room, the rest of Black Veil Brides looked up, and watched us enter. Andy walked over to Jon, while the rest of the band came over and introduced themselves.

“Hey. I believe we haven’t been introduced yet. I’m Ashley, this CC, Jake and Jinxx.” I laughed and waved as he pointed to each of them.

“I know. I’m a big fan.” I smiled. “I’m Lizzie.”

“Nice too meet you. Now come and hug me.” Ashley said before pulling me into a hug. I hugged him, before going round and hugging CC, Jake and Jinxx. As I pulled away, I reached into my pocket of my jeans looking for my phone. When I couldn’t feel it, I checked my other pockets, only to find it wasn’t in any of them either.

“Is this what you’re looking for?” I looked up to see CC holding it. I nodded and walked over to him as he passed it too me.

“Thank you, where was it?” I questioned.

“You left it on the table as you left with Andy.” I nodded and thanked him again.

I unlocked my phone and got Twitter up again to see I had five new tweets. All from the girls I met at the concert. I took Twitter down, deciding I would reply to them later or tomorrow, and continued standing, watching everyone else. I was star struck to say the least. I’ve been to a fair few concerts, but I have never met any of the bands I saw. I never waited at the end to see them when they left the venue, and I never had the money to get the VIP tickets to meet them before the show. I always hoped I would meet one of the bands one day, but I never expected it to be Black Veil Brides, a band which is a big inspiration to me. I definitely feel like I shouldn’t be here right now.

“Hey Lizzie, want to get that website up with all your photos?” I heard Andy ask.

I looked over at him and nodded before walking over and sitting next to him. He handed me the laptop so I could type the URL in before placing it back on the table and getting the galleries up. I clicked on the first one, which is full of crowds I’ve taken, some were from when I was at school, and I’d just sit on the field and take random pictures of people. Not to sound creepy. And others were while I would sit on the beach, or just sitting around at the mall.

I looked over at Andy, and saw he was on a picture I took while I was at the beach, just a couple of months ago. The picture was of a Dad in the water lifting his Daughter over his head while his Son started splashing them. That photo was a favourite of mine; I really captured their facial expressions. They looked so happy. It all looked so realistic, like when you look at it, you feel like you’re actually there, like you could hear their laughter. But what I loved most about it was that they looked like a proper family. The mom was just to the side out of the photo, she knew I was taking the photo, and I remember her coming over after, asking to see it. I gave her my website show she could see it when I uploaded it. See even emailed me so I could send her a copy. I sat here smiling at the memory.

“Hey guys. Come look at these. We seem to have ourselves a professional photographer here.” Andy said smiling at me.

I felt myself blush and looked down at my lap. Ashley, CC, Jake and Jinxx came rushing over, along with Jon. They all stood around us, looking at all the photos I had taken. Andy then passed me the laptop again, so I could pick another favourite gallery, before handing it back to him. This time they were ones I took of insects and pets I had seen out and about. Another of my favourite was of a Butterfly which had landed on the wall in our back garden. The Butterfly was a Brown colour with a White pattern on it. It really stood out against everything else.

“Lizzie, you’re incredibly talented. If you do what I said to you earlier, you will get far in this. There’s no doubt about it.” Andy said smiling at me.

I smiled and nodded. Hearing him say that meant so much to me.

“You’re ridiculously talented Liz.” CC said.

I looked up at him and just stared.

“Oh, it is alright to call you Liz isn’t it?” I nodded.

“Yeah it’s fine.” I smiled; he nodded and went back to looking at the laptop.

I sighed and looked at the time on my phone. Shit! I stood up and looked around at everyone.

“I…um… Have to go. It’s pretty late and I need to walk home.” I said.

They all looked up, before coming over to me. Each of them hugged me goodbye before Andy came over. He dragged me aside, and then pulled me into a hug.

“Remember what I said. Believe in yourself. I believe in you, so if I can, so can you. You’ll get there, I promise, from what I’ve seen you’re ridiculously talented. Anyone would be stupid to not have you work for them.” He said, all the while holding me out at arm’s length. “Do it for me. Please.” I nodded.

“I’ll work on it.”

“Good, because I want to hear your name everywhere one day. I want to hear how people want you to work for them, or for them begging to work for you because you’ll own your own studio. We all believe in you Lizzie, so do us proud.” I looked up at Andy and nodded.


“Good.” He smiled and pulled me into another hug. “Is there any way to keep in contact? I want you to keep me up to date on it all, on the photography and on any problems.”

“I have Twitter?” I said.

He nodded and pulled his phone out. I told him my Twitter name and he typed it in before following me. He placed it back in his pocket before looking back at me.

“There followed. I’ll send you a tweet later, and I’m expecting a reply tonight so I know you got home safely.” I laughed and nodded.

“Okay. I’ll be waiting for that tweet.” He chuckled. “Thank you so much for today, Andy. If you didn’t stop that guy earlier, I honestly have no idea what would have happened. And thank you for listening to me rant on about how pathetic my life is. It meant a lot.” I said

“It’s fine, honestly. I can see myself in you. I know what you felt like when you were at high school. It was exactly the same for me. Only now, most of them are stuck working for McDonalds, while I can stand up on that stage and say to them ‘fuck you, who’s the bigger person now?’” He said, sticking his middle finger up when he said ‘fuck you’.

“I looked up to you a lot, I really do.” I said.

“Well I’m glad.”

“I best be off. I’ll hopefully talk to you soon?” I looked at him as I waited for a reply.

He nodded and pulled me into another hug, before leading me to the door. I turned round and said bye to everyone again and made my way home.

Andy’s P.O.V.

I watched Lizzie leave the room, before turning back to the guys to see them still crowded round the laptop looking at her pictures.

“Andy, this girl is incredibly talented.” CC said looking up and me. I looked at him and nodded.

“I know, and I plan on helping her get somewhere in life with it.”


“I’m not sure as of right now, but I’ll think of something.”

CC nodded before turning back to the computer. I sighed and sat down on the other couch. I couldn’t take my mind off Lizzie. There was just something about her that really made me want to help her. I was determined to do it, no matter what.

I got my phone out again, and decided to go on Twitter for a little bit. I went into my mentions to see it full with tweets about tonight’s show. I got up a new tweet before typing away. @AndyBVB: You fuck with one member of the BVB Army and you’re fucking with the rest. I then sent another. @AndyBVB: And you fuck with the BVB Army then you’re fucking with me.

“Alright guys. Time to leave.” Jon said. I stood up and stretched before going over to my bag, putting everything back into it, and placed the strap over my shoulder.

We left the venue to see a few fans still outside waiting as we got on the bus. We went over to the windows and opened them before leaning out and shouting our thanks to them for coming to the show.

We sat down on the couches at the front of the bus as CC and Jake decided for a game on the X-Box. I looked at my phone and saw it was 12.30. I yawned and stood up stretching.

“I’m off to bed guys.” I said.

They all looked up and mumbled their ‘Goodnights’ as I made my way to my bunk and grabbed the trousers to my Batman Pyjamas. What? A man can’t love Batman?
I slipped my jeans off and pulled the pyjama bottoms on before climbing in my bunk. I got my phone out one last time and tweeted Lizzie.

@AndyBVB: @ItsLizBiatches Hope you got hope safely. Remember, believe in yourself. Sweet Dreams :)

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