Chapter 23.

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Andy's P.O.V.

I’ve been trying to get in contact with Lizzie since her birthday, but she is back to ignoring my calls. I knew the second she answered my call the other week that something was up. I may not have known her for long, but long enough to know when she is lying and I was determined the second we get back home that I’ll get the truth out of her. It’s been bugging me the last couple of weeks, and according to my band it is affecting my performance slightly, they say that they can tell I’m not completely there.

Luckily, there were only three days left of the tour, and I’m hoping I can push all this to the back of my mind and give the last three crowds the best performances I have ever given.

Right now, I was sat in the front lounge on the bus with the rest of the band, as they were chatting among themselves about some of the fans we have met on this tour. I, on the other hand was still sat worrying about Lizzie. I know I said I would try not to on stage, but that doesn’t mean I can’t while on the bus. Last night I had received a phone call from my Mom telling me that they spent a few days at my place, and then went on to telling me that they hadn’t seen Lizzie at all. I told them before I left that Lizzie said she’ll meet up with them while I’m gone, but according to Mom they haven’t seen her at all. Something is going on and I can’t figure it out. There is no way Lizzie would be like this because of me being on tour, and I highly doubt the girls are ignoring her.

I sighed and got my phone out of my pocket and scrolled down before reaching her name. I pressed call and placed it to my ear as it rang. After the third ring, which is normally when she answers, I sighed. I waited a little longer until it went to voicemail. I groaned and hung up. What’s the point in leaving a message? If she’s not going to answer the phone or reply to my texts then why would she listen to my voicemail?

Sighing, I stood up from my seat next to Jinxx and stretched before making my way over to the door, leading the way to the Bunks.

“Yo, Andy. Where you going?” Ashley asked.

I looked round at him and shrugged.

“I’m going for a nap. I haven’t been sleeping well lately.” I mumbled.

“Is it because of Lizzie?” Jake asked.

I shrugged before nodding.

“Yeah, I can’t help but think something bad has happened.” I said as I made my way back over to my seat, knowing that they’ll want me to explain everything to them.

“Why?” Ash asked.

“Because she’s not answering my calls, and the one time she did I could tell she didn’t want to talk. She won’t answer my texts and Mom called last night telling me that she and Dad haven’t seen her either and I told them that Lizzie said she’d meet up with them.”

I leant forward, resting my elbows on my knees before placing my head in my hands.

“Try not to worry Andy; I’m sure she has fine. She’s with Hayley, and we all know that she thinks of Liz as a sister.” Jinxx tried to reassure me.

“Maybe she’s still upset about you being on tour. I mean you are her first boyfriend, right? You hadn’t been together long before you had to leave for tour and she seems to find it hard to trust people, and I know she loves you and trusts you, but maybe she feels like you’d find someone else and want to leave her for them.” Jake said with a shrug.

“I would never do that to her.” I groaned.

We know that, but does Lizzie?”

“I’ve told her before, but if she listened, I don’t know.” I shrugged. “She does ignore me on a lot of things I say.”

“Andy, just have a talk with her when we get home. Ask her why she’s like if, and if she says she was scared you’d find someone else, reassure her that you love her, and only her.” Jinxx said.

I groaned and nodded.

“You do love her right?” Jinxx questioned.

My head shot up and I looked at him slightly hurt that he would think that.

“Of course.” I stated. “If I didn’t, would I have done everything I have for her. I thought there was something special about her after meeting her at that show. I’ve never wanted to help anyone as much as I have wanted to help her.”

Jinxx nodded and placed a hand on my shoulder and gave it a slight squeeze.

“Everything will be alright, buddy.” Jinxx reassured me.

“I hope you’re right, mate.” I said.

We all sat there silently until I stood up again.

“I’m gonna lie down for a bit. Wake me up when it’s time to sound check.” I said and made my way to the bunk room.

I got to my bunk and climbed in before pulling to curtain across and getting my phone out again. I got Twitter up on my phone and replied to a few fans and the occasional hater before putting it under my pillow and got more comfortable to sleep.

It wasn’t long until I drifted off to sleep, a sleep full of worry and no dreams.


When I was woken up by Jon, it was 3pm. I didn’t feel any better, in fact I was even more worried if that was possible. I just wanted the next three days to go by quickly so I could get home and see what was going on. But because I was so eager for all this to be over, it seemed to drag and it pissed me off more than anything.

I pulled on a shirt, before going into the front lounge and grabbed my cigarettes and lighter, and pulled on my sunglasses and made my way out of the bus followed by Jon. I gave a quick wave to the fans that were waiting around the back of the venue and lit up a cigarette while standing by the bus. A lot of the fans started making their way over until the security stopped them. Jon gave me a look as if to ask if I wanted to see them, and I nodded. He went over to the security and let them know, before the fans started rushing over.

I smiled at them all, taking pictures with them, signing albums, posters, arms, shirts and everything else possible. Some asked for hugs which I gave, and spoke to other fans on the phone that couldn’t make it to the show. The group was slowly moving away and back towards backstage entrance where all the bands were coming and going from.

I was stood talking to a group of four girls, when people near us started screaming. I looked up confused and saw CC making his way towards us. I waved at him before going back to talking with the girls.

“Andy, where is your girlfriend?” One of them asked.

“Back home, she had to work.” I said.

“Oh.” She sighed.

I looked at her confused before she started talking again.

“It’s just my dream to meet her, after meeting you of course, but she’s my idol. I’ve seen her work and I love it so much. Also we all know a bit about her past now, and to know she’s still going strong after all that, she really is inspirational.”

I smiled slightly at the girl, knowing that there are people who think so highly of Lizzie.

“How do you know about her past?” I questioned being the curious bastard I am.

“It’s been reported everywhere. Someone caught what happened with her Dad in the street the other week. It’s also great that you stuck up for her.” The girl smiled.

“Oh.” I mumbled. The media love getting their hands of stories like this. “Well what sort of boyfriend would I be if I just let her Dad do that? I wouldn’t let it happen to any girl. Men have no right to disrespect women what so ever. No matter what they do, even if they do something wrong, that doesn’t give anyone a reason to hit someone.” I ranted.

By now, CC was stood next to us, waiting for us to finish talking before he started.

“Andy, we’ve gotta go sound check now.” CC said.

I looked at him and nodded and turned back to the girls.

“It was great meeting you all, enjoy the show tonight and I’ll pass the message onto Lizzie for you.” I said.

They all gave me one more hug before I followed CC into the venue.

We got to the stage where Jake, Jinxx and Ashley were waiting for us. CC and I jumped up on the stage, CC going to his drums, while I went over to where the mic stand was placed. We went through a few of our songs before Jake and Jinxx changed their guitars and tested them out before we made our way to our dressing room and decided to get our make-up done. It made sense to get it done now so that we aren’t then rushing around closer to the time we are due up on stage.

Once we were ready, we sat around talking when Jon came in, letting us know that it was time for the meet and greets. We all got up and made our way out to the stage again, and went over to the merch table which was set up at the back. As we entered, the fans that were already waiting there started screaming. I smiled and made my way over to a group that stood away from everyone else, looking scared and nervous. As I got closer to them, they realised that I was actually making my way towards them and stood up straighter. I smiled at them once I stopped and one of the girls came rushing over to give me a hug.

I wrapped my arms around her as she started crying.

“Why are you crying?” I asked pulling away.

“I’m just so overwhelmed, I finally get to meet the band who saved my life countless of times.” She cried.

I pulled her back into a hug before holding her at arm’s length.

“I want you to never do anything like that again okay? I won’t allow my fans try hurting themselves or taking their life because of some fucker making their life hell.” I said. “I want you to promise.” I said sternly.

She nodded and wiped the tears away.

“I promise.” She said.

I smiled at her, before greeting her friends and started signing and taking pictures with them all.


“We have been Black Veil Brides.” I said into the Mic.

The crowd started screaming.

“Thank you for a fucking fantastic show, Austria.” I took a sip from my water bottle before continuing. “It’s come to that time of the night again. Once again, you guys have been fucking fantastic.”

I started walking one round the stage, and looked back at CC and nodded. He started playing a little beat on the drums as I turned back round to the crowd.

“This is our last song of the night. It’s called ‘Perfect Weapon’”

The music kicked in as I walked around the stage until I had to start singing.

Once the song finished, CC came out to the front of the stage and chucked his drums sticks until the crowd, before we made our way back to our dressing room.

For the first time on this tour since that call with Lizzie, I actually enjoyed myself on stage, and let go of all my worries. The band told me that they noticed as well, according to them I moved my freely across the stage, rather than walking around stiffly and almost like I’m doing it simply because I had to. Tonight was mainly down to the crowd though; the energy that was just radiating off them found its way to me and caused me want to put my all into this performance.

“Good to see you back to yourself up on that stage, Andy.” Jon said once we all sat down on the couches.

I nodded and gulped down my bottle of water as one of the crew members came in.

“Andy, I think this belongs to you, and it’s been going off like crazy.” He said.

I looked at him confused until he chucked the object at me. I soon realised it was my phone before looking down at it confused noticing that I had 10 missed calls. I was about to find out who it was until my phone started going off again, and Lizzie’s name flashed across the screen. I smiled slightly and looked up at to see the guys all staring, before answering.

“Lizzie?” I asked the second I answered.

“Uhm no, it’s Hayley.”

I looked around confused.

“Hayley? Is Lizzie okay?” I stood up and started walking around the room.

“That’s why I called; I needed to talk to you about her.”

I stayed silent and waited for her to continue. I looked up and saw my band mates sat watching me.

“Is everything okay?”

“I’m not sure. Andy what did she say to you the last time you called her?”

“I called her on her birthday and she said she was fine. I tried getting her to tell me the truth, but she wouldn’t” I sighed.

“Of course.” Hayley started muttering to herself. “Andy, she’s not alright. I didn’t call you to ask you to come home early, as I know you have two days left, please try and stay for those last two.”

Try and stay on tour? What’s going on that could possibly make me want to go home?

“Hayley? What’s going on?” I asked.

“It’s not my place to say exactly what went on, but you’ll see when you get home.” She muttered.

“Hayley, just fucking tell me.” I growled.

“She er… she wants to kill herself, Andy.”

I looked up at the guys shocked; she was doing so well before I left.

What? Why? She was fine before I left.” I said going to sit back down.

“I know. Andy I don’t know what to do anymore, Mom came home early from her trip to try and help but Lizzie refused to speak to her. She won’t go near my Dad, but then again I’m not surprised. I’m just so scared for her.” Hayley cried.

Fuck.” I muttered quietly. “She’s scared of your Dad?” I questioned.


“That fucker who claims to be her Dad has been near her again hasn’t he?” I growled.

“It’s not my place to say.” Hayley said.

“But he went near her didn’t he?”

“Yes.” Hayley whispered.

“I fucking knew it.” I stood up and started pacing again.

“Andy calm down, please.” Hayley cried.

“Sorry.” I muttered. “So, where is Lizzie right now?” I asked.

“She’s locked herself in her room, I caught her self-harming again and she started screaming at me about how I have no right in trying to get her to stop.” Hayley cried. “I’m so scared Andy. She’s hurting herself, she pretty much stays in bed all day and she refuses to eat. She’s losing so much weight and looks so ill.”

I could feel my eyes starting to fill with tears.

“I-I.” I stopped before it was obvious that I was close to crying. “I know you said not to come home early, Hayley. But Ineed too. I can’t stand being here while knowing she’s like that.”

“I know.” Hayley coughed slightly. “I’ll text you my number off Lizzie’s phone once I finish this call, then you can let me know the time of your flight and when you’ve landed.”

I nodded, before realising she couldn’t see me.

“Alright. Well I better go and let my band know.” I said looking at everyone. “Thank you for letting me know.”

“It’s not a problem; I knew I had to let you know. I’d hate myself forever if she succeeded in trying to kill herself and I didn’t let you know that she was trying.” Hayley cried.

“Hey, calm down. We’ll get her to stop before she succeeds.” I said.

“How can you be so sure Andy? She’s stubborn.”

“I know. But we’ll find a way. Once she tells someone exactly what happened, we’ll work on stopping her and get her back to Lizzie we know and love.” I said, partially to Hayley, but I was mainly trying to reassure myself.

“Andy.” Hayley started.


“She’s lucky to have you y’know?”

“You think?” I asked.

“No, I know.” Hayley said.

I chuckled slightly.

“Okay.” I said. “Once again thanks for letting me know. I’ll let you know as soon as possible about my flight.”

“Okay. I’m sorry to ruin the last couple of nights of your tour.”

“Fuck the tour, Hayley. I’d much rather be there knowing what’s going on than being here and only getting the occasional call about it.” I said.

“I’m still sorry anyway.”

“Alright.” I said. “Remember, we’ll get her sorted. I promise.”

Hayley and I said our goodbyes before hanging up. I put my phone on the table and walked over to the table at the back containing the drinks and food. I grabbed myself a drink, feeling the anger rising in me again.

I opened the bottle and took a sip of the beer, feeling the cool liquid making its way down my throat. I looked at the bottle and sighed before throwing it at the wall and watched it shatter into a million little pieces. The whole room went quiet and I knew everyone was watching me.

“Andy?” Jake asked coming over and placing a hand on my shoulder.

I shrugged it off and walked over to the other end of the table, and let the anger get the best of me. I threw everything off the table in anger and screamed. I picked up another bottle and chucked it at the wall before turning around, breathing heavy.

I looked around and saw everyone looking at me, shocked. I sighed and took a seat down next to CC and placed my head in my hands.

“Andy, what’s going on?” Jon asked.

“I need to get the next flight home.” I said.

“Why? You only have to days left of tour.” He said.

“I know! But I need to get home before then, anything could happen.” I went back to standing up.

“Why? What’s going on?” Ashley was the one to speak this time.

Lizzie is on the verge of killing herself!” I shouted.

I walked round to the back of the couch and leant on it.

“That fucker who claims to be her Dad has been after her again.” I said quieter. “He’s attacked her again!”

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