Chapter 30.

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Lizzie's P.O.V.

I entered the Coffee Shop with Sammi and Ella either side of me. I found my Mom sat in the corner straight away. I sighed and turned to the girls.

“Can we leave?” I asked.

Sammi chuckled but shook her head.

“Sorry sweetie, it might be best that you hear her side of the story. We’ll be here with you, we’ll sit as close as possible, but not so we can hear everything. Promise.” She smiled sympathetically.

I nodded and looked at Ella, who nodded with a slight smile. I sighed and turned around to see my Mom watching us. I started walking over to her, while Sammi and Ella went over to the counter and got themselves a drink. When I reached my Mom she smiled and stood up.

“I’m so happy you made it.” She said, going to hug me.

I started walking backwards away from her. She frowned and sat down, pointing at the chair opposite her for me to sit in.

“Don’t think that because I’ve come here means I’ve forgiven you, because I never will.” I said harshly.

She sighed and nodded.

“I know.” She said. “I got you a drink; I hope it’s the right one.”

You’d know if it’s the right one, if you noticed me and got to know me.

“Thank you.”

We stayed silent, both of us sipping our drinks before I spoke up.

“The Police said that a ‘Mrs Parker’ filed a report against Dad, I’m guessing that’s you.” I said.

Mom looked up and nodded.

“Why? I thought you ‘loved’ him?” I asked.

“I stopped loving him before I had you.” She muttered.

“Then why did you stay with him?”

“He forced me to.” She said looking down at her hands, which were wrapped around the mug.

I looked at her confused.

“He forced you to stay with him?”

She nodded.

“I’m confused.” I said.

“Shall I start from the beginning?” She asked.

“Would be a good idea.” I muttered.

She looked around before she started talking.

“When I met your Dad, we were both teenagers, he was the guy every girl wanted to be with, the guy all the other guys wanted to be, he was the most popular person at school. I wasn’t part of the popular crowd, but pretty much everyone at the school knew my name, but nothing about me. But the night of our leavers dance, they still did the king and queen of the year, and it just so happened that your Dad and I won. We got talking during our dance, and then spent the rest of the night talking; he invited me out the next day…”

I stopped her, not wanting to hear all about how they met or how they got together.

“I don’t need to know all that, it doesn’t explain why you suddenly want him locked up.” I said.

She sighed and nodded.

“When we were 21, the year before I had you, we went to a party, everyone from our school year were having a get together, a catch up. People were shocked at the fact that me and your Dad ended up married, by the age of 20.” She went off into her own little world, smiling slightly.

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