Chapter 20

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One week into Andy being gone, and things were okay. Every chance he got he was calling or texting me, letting me know how shows went and telling me he misses me and what not. It was sweet really, and it helped me cope a bit better with him being gone.

Laura was still being a bit funny with me, thinking I was only spending time with the girls because Andy wasn’t here. Not true. I wanted to spend time with them, but she didn’t seem to believe me. Ellie had finally realised that she didn’t need to act carefully around me, which I was thankful for. If she went on like it any longer, I probably would have snapped and screamed at her.

As of right now, I was at work. I had just finished doing another photo shoot with a band. This time it was with ‘Sleeping with Sirens’. It wasn’t a big photo shoot, just a couple of pictures for the interview, and one for a poster. There was even another photographer there, photographing me taking pictures of them, for the magazine. When it was over they all cheered, and came over to look at the photos. When they decided which were their favourites, I saved them into a file so I could later edit it them slightly. They all thanked me before leaving to go and do whatever it was they had left to do.

I went over and packed away the camera and tripod, placing them both in their bags and locked them away in the cupboard I had here. It was the best thing to do while I was walking to and from work, they’re not the lightest of things to carry, and it’s not like it’s a short five minute walk. It took me around 30 to 45 minutes to get here.

When I finished packing everything away, most of the prep team had left, leaving me here with the interviewer, who was playing the tape over and over again to make sure he had written down exactly what each band member had said. I sighed and looked back to my laptop and decided to edit the photos now whilst I had nothing else to do.


I was just finishing the last photo when the studio started filling with a load of noise again. I looked up from my laptop and saw Hayley walking in, along with Ellie, Hannah, Sophie and Laura. Sophie was the first to spot me in the corner. She nudged Hayley and pointed over to me and they started making their way over.

“What you girls doing here?” I asked as I finished off the last little touch to the photo, before saving it and shutting the laptop down.

“We’re all heading out for lunch, even you.” Hayley said.

“Alright.” I stood up and put the laptop back in its bag and walked over to the cupboard where I store everything else.

“Can you leave now?” Ellie asked.

“Yup, I’m finished for the day.” I smiled.

I put all the paper work back into my folder and picked it up along with my bag and looked at the others.

“Let’s go.”

We are cheered and laughed because walking out of the studio after I said bye to everyone and we made our way to a little café that was just up the street.

We entered and ordered our food and drinks before making our way over to a table at the back with it all. I took a seat next to the window with Sophie next to me, and Hannah next to her, while Ellie sat opposite me with Laura next to her and Hayley at the end of the table.

We were sat eating quietly, when Hannah spoke up.

“Have you spoken to Andy recently, Lizzie?”

I swallowed the bite I had taken before I started talking.

“Last night.” I said.

“Anything good happening?” She asked.

I shrugged.

“I’m guessing the fun they usually have.” I took a sip of my drink. “Though, he did say it has been raining a lot. But they’re not letting it dampen their mood.”

“I’d love to live in Europe. Well England more.” Laura randomly said.

“Why?” I asked looking at her confused.

“Because I love the rain, and they seem to have more rain than sun.” She shrugged.

“Fair enough.”

We went back to eating silently when Hannah spoke up again.

“Where is it they’re performing tonight?”

“Somewhere in Germany I think. I’m not quite sure.”

“Didn’t he tell you last night?” She questioned.

“Possibly, but I can hardly remember any of the conversation from last night. In fact, I think I fell asleep while on the phone to him.” I chuckled.

“He probably thinks you find him boring now.” Sophie laughed.

“Possibly. I’ll just explain to him when he next calls or whatever.”

They all nodded and we sat around talking, planning events weeks ahead, now that Ellie was on her summer break. Most of them consisted of going to concerts, shopping trips; go to the cinema and many more things.

Round about 2.30 Hannah got a text from her older brother, asking her to go home so she could look after her younger brother, while he went out for a bit. We all decided to leave at the same time, and made the fairly long walk, back home.

Around 2 blocks away from Hayley’s’ place, Hannah stopped and said bye to us all, before turning around and walking in the opposite direction to us.

“Alright, where to now?” Hayley asked.

“Yours.” Sophie said automatically.

We all nodded and made our way back home. Hayley opened the front door and let us all in and led Sophie, Ellie and Laura into the lounge while I ran upstairs to put my bag and folder away, and change into something slightly more comfortable. I took my hair out of it bun and let it flow down my back. I smiled and my new hair, I recently dip died the ends Blonde, and waited a few days before adding Pink to the Blonde. Hayley helped me with it, and we both ended up rather proud of it. I remember when we saw the final piece, Hayley looked at me and said, “I should become a hair dresser.” I laughed at the memory and made my way back downstairs.

I entered the lounge and saw the girls gathered on the sofa, with the menu for Sweeny Todd on the TV screen. I smiled and walked over and sat down in the armchair, and Hayley pressed play.
No matter how many times I saw this film, I still got excited about it. I’m like it with most of Johnny Depp’s work, I just love him, he’s a fantastic actor and not to mention gorgeous, I don’t care if he’s old enough to be my Dad.


The film was close to finishing and at the part where he pushes Mrs. Lovett into the fire, when the doorbell went. We all looked at each other confused as Hayley stood up and made her way to the door.

I heard Hayley talking to someone quietly, before she came rushing back into the room. She looked at me panicked before she started talking.

“Lizzie, it’s for you.” She said.

I looked at her confused and stood up, making my way passed Hayley, who gave me a worried look, and walked to the front door. I pulled the door open again, and gasped at the sight.

“Lizzie, I need your help please.”

I couldn’t form any words. Standing on the front step to Hayley’s home, was my sister, who was covered head to toe in bruises.

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