Chapter 3

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Rose Hathaway

I woke up in a horribly lit room. My vision blurred, which was something I, despite the many situations I've found myself in, wasn't used to. My vision had always been top-notch. I felt like death walking, maybe even a zombie. My head pounded as I took in my surroundings. I was in a small house; and from the design of it, I was immersed completely into the human world as no Moroi would ever style a house in such a way. Groaning, I sat up and finally noticed that I wasn't alone in the room. At the end of the bed was the Strigoi who had come to the wards the night before, the same Strigoi who had either saved or doomed my life, that was still up for debate.

"I know you are awake, Miss Hathaway."

I narrowed my eyes at the man and smirked, lifting an eyebrow after finally learning how. How did this man know who I was? "And you are?"

The man just ignored me and left the room. Groaning, I threw myself back on the cot, I still didn't have much energy and was still in pain. The ache in my body, the pounding in my head, and constant churning in my stomach terrified me. Dhampirs never got sick. It was part of our genetic make-up. The only time we were was if we were pregnant, injured, or poisoned.

By the time the man came to give me some food, I had given up on hiding my steady decline. I was still on the cot, struggling to work up the strength to move. My bones felt brittle, like they were threatening to break at any moment, every movement was excruciating, and even my need to breathe hurt. I finally sat up, only for my body to fall backwards on the cot.

"You really aren't looking too good there, Hathaway."

I barely had the energy to smirk and flip the man off. If I was going to die as a prisoner, then I was determined to do it in a Hathaway fashion. I didn't understand why the Strigoi brought me back here if it wasn't to be tortured. But then again, Mason had said to heal me. I was terrified that the bastard was going to turn me. If I was turned, I didn't have anyone who loved me enough to be free or to find a Spirit user to revert me back.

For what felt like hours, my breathing got progressively worse while my skin turned clammy and cold. My chest felt like it was going to implode. Every time I breathed, a coughing fit would follow. Every inhale felt like knives slicing at my throat, like a fire was burning me from the inside out. I wondered if that was how the witches of Salem felt as if they were burnt at the stake. There was something, an invisible weight that crushed my ribs, compressing against my chest; only raspy, superficial, and painful pants escaped the burden. I could vaguely hear the others talking around me, but their voices sounded as if I was under water, or they were.

Somewhere amongst the anguished chatting, I thought I heard Mason speaking and words that I hadn't gotten used to hearing. "Ring Abe Mazur, he is her father and will know what to do. They created a code name if one of them ever needed help. Tell him 'Spokane', and if he doesn't believe you, then mention his last name."

There was silence, and then Mason spoke again, "No, not Mazur, Badica."

Nothing my friend was saying made sense, but I was too tired to think about it. All I wanted was to sleep and never wake up again. The pain was too much, and I could feel my body shutting down. The darkness that was slowly stealing the light from me. finally took over, sending me back into oblivion.

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Dmitri Belikov

I don't know how long I stayed kneeling on the ground. My fingers bled from where I gouged them into the dirt. Rising my head, I groaned softly as Lissa stared at me while Christian just shook his head in disappointment. Mikhail turned away, his head lowered as he clenched his fists in anger. "You know, if I had been turned instead of my Sonya, and she saved me, the way Rose saved you - there was no way I would have pushed her away. She gave you her heart, and you just threw it away like yesterday's garbage."

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