Chapter 27

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Dmitri Belikov

Finally, after all these years the Suka had answered for her crimes with her own life. She answered for them, far too quickly; but it finally happened. The question that was on everyone's lips including my own was how? I knew Roza could control four of the elements, such as Fire, Water, Air and Earth; but to see her controlling the very thing that I had to help her fight back at the Academy? Well, it was scary to say the least.

As Rose floated back down, the room scrambled, all wanting to see the Princess that had saved them from the crazy royal. But luckily Abe had been there and already had Roza in his arms, running out the door to the hospital wing with the Queen, Roza's mother and the gang not far behind him. Ivan turned to me, and I knew we both wanted the same, so we followed, catching up to them as they hit the building. It was the same, dreary, and dark; no matter where you go the hospital or infirmary is a place I hated, it reminded me of the morgue, seeing Ivan's body displayed for all to see, and of course with the amount of times Roza ended up in the infirmary back at the Academy; it is easy to say that I have a healthy dislike for the buildings.

We were told we had to wait outside; it was excruciatingly slow. Even Abe and the Queen were pushed out of the room, made to wait with the rest of us. Christian looked down at his shoes for most of the time, it was painful to see him suffer in such a way. I felt as if it was my fault, and knowing that, the guilt burnt through my soul. Walking up to him, I knelt and looked at him.

"I am so sorry Chri-"

He held up his hands and stopped me. "I do not hold any anger towards you or Ivan." He stopped and sighed looking away. "I do not hold any for Rose either, what she did was courageous, she not only saved the two of you, but all of us. I do not doubt for a moment that Tasha would have stopped at your deaths, she would have tried to kill us all."

There was a cough from behind us and Moira walked around us and hugged her son from the side. "I know you spent many years thinking that we chose that life willingly, therefore hated us and saw your aunt as your only family; but even if we had, she wasn't your family. You made one here, with the Dragomir princess, Rose, and the rest of your friends. You are never alone my son."

He smiled and nodded at her, hugging her back before looking at me again. "She is right. Tasha hadn't been my family since Christmas, and if I were to be honest, not since I left Maine, all those years before Christmas. So please, don't feel guilty for her wrongdoings and her finally receiving justice for them."

I looked down, unable to comprehend his forgiveness. "Dmitri, please, I am feeling enough guilt from Rose, you do not need to add to it." Lissa interrupted, siding with Christian. Looking back up, I saw a soft smirk on the Princess' face. I was about to smile back when her words made me double back.

"You can still feel Roza?"

She sighed and nodded, "Ever since she returned so did the bond." She took one of my hands into both of hers. "Please do not think I have hidden this from you. I have no idea why I can suddenly feel her again, I think we would need to ask her or her father about it."

I nodded, thinking on her words. It made sense I guess, but I couldn't get over the nagging feeling that she had for some reason kept it from me. As I was kneeling there, a hand on my shoulder caught my attention, and I looked up to see as a doctor came out, calling for the family of the Badica Princess, Rosemarie. As a group we walked forward, Ivan's hand was still on my shoulder as we joined the others.

"The Princess is fine. She is just resting as she used a lot of magic in the incident." He stopped and looked around the room. "Is she bonded to anyone?"

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