Chapter 15

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Adrian Ivashkov

The day had finally come. I was bouncing off the walls, a sight that was apparently hilarious to Sydney who was struggling not to laugh and alert our friends, who were somehow oblivious, to my hyperactive behaviour. The walls seemed to dance with me as I twirled through the halls of the palace. I had caught Sydney taking several photos in secret, something that I thought I would have hated, but I loved it when it was her doing it. Rose had been right when she said I would find love when I least expected it. She had been right about many things; too many for me to even recount. The main one that came to mind was the one about Natasha Ozera, a woman who was currently housed in our dudgeons. I still couldn't believe half the shit that bitch had done to get Dmitri to be her bed warmer.

My Aunt had told me over a private conversation that my cousin was coming home. After almost two years since she left, and I only saw her once just after the blood purge. I had received many pictures form Rose herself and Lucas. He was the main photographer it seemed. My favourite was definitely the one where Rose and Ivan were a tangled mess of limbs; the childish manner before the fall had my cheeks aching from smiling. I was so glad I had suggested time for her to be herself before returning to Court, she definitely needed it, no she deserved it. The places she had been to, I would have died to visit, but she had promised to take me there at one point in our near future, and I now had Sydney to share those experiences with.

"Adrian, if you don't calm down the others will suspect something is up." Sydney muttered under her breath as she clamped down on my shoulder. For an alchemist, she was strong. But then again, Rose had trained her so there was that factor. I nodded, absentmindedly before remembering something.

"Did you get news to the unpromised that had helped her in Russia?" I murmured back, watching as Dmitri looked up, somehow hearing the word Russia. I speculated that he still had the attributes of a Strigoi when he heard things that a normal Dhampir wouldn't. We were sitting at one of our favourite cafés, waiting on Mia who was getting off work.

"Shit, no. When does she arrive?" Sydney turned her head into my neck, noticing Dmitri's head tilt as well. I smiled at my woman, she was definitely talented, and I had rose to thank for that. She trained Sydney before convincing the Alchemist to come to Court. That was another thing to thank my cousin for. If it weren't for her meddling ways, I would never have met Sydney and I knew for sure, my life wouldn't be as happy as it was.

I hummed thinking on what Abe had mentioned the night before. Rose and her group were boarding the plane at midnight; human time and weren't expected to get back to Pennsylvania for about twenty-four hours or so. "Not for a day."

She sagged with relief, "Good that gives me time to get them here."

I laughed shaking my head slightly. Lissa caught it this time and turned to face us. "What's so funny?"

Christina snorted, "Who knows with those lovebirds. They make me sick, too much lovey dovey for me."

I rolled my eyes and snapped at him, "Now you know how Rose felt with you two. At least we keep our PDA to a minimal and not in church attics."

Both Lissa and Christian turned pale, and for a moment I felt bad. It wasn't their fault, well not Christian's, I still believed that Lissa pulled Rose in purposely, knowing that she was as innocent as a newborn babe. Groaning, I laid my forehead on the table, waving my hand apologetically. "Sorry about that, haven't slept in a week. Aunt Tatiana is freaking out that Princess Badica wont be back in time for you-know-who's trial."

Rose wasn't the only name we didn't mention. Tasha was the other. Whereas we could mention Rose when talking about good memories, there was nothing good tied to that bitch's name, so Natasha Ozera was never mentioned, ever.

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