Chapter 17

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Dmitri Belikov

Not wishing to intrude on the reunion I turned to Eddie who sat there smiling with Mia on his other side.

"I am happy for him. He deserves this, after everything that bitch did to her own family, she truly deserves death. Anything else would be too kind." Eddie murmured and I couldn't help but agree. Not just for what she did to her family, but for everything she had done to Rose and Ivan. Everything that ever went wrong in her and my lives, could be blamed on Tasha. If it wasn't for the Suka, Mason would still be alive, I wouldn't have been turned, and Ivan would be alive. However, if Ivan hadn't died all those years beforehand, I would never have met the enigma, the wonder that was Rose.

I sat there reminiscing the past. Rose had told me on many occasions that Tasha was evil, and I hadn't believed it. Ivan had told me as well, and look where it got me? Turned, but luckily restored, having lost my love only to find another; only to push away the second love and then later find out that my first is back. Life wasn't fair, but then again, I had never made any attempts to make it better. Any attempts were failures, that caused more pain to myself and those I cared for.

While I was thinking, movement from behind the alcove caught my attention but before I could say anything another man walked out, his easy smile and tailored suit exactly how I remembered it. He hadn't changed no matter the years that had passed. Still, easily the most handsome man out of all royals, not only looks wise, but also his heart and attitude towards others. The man sneaked into the room and leant against the wall, with his foot resting on the wall as he winked at Adrian who smirked back at him. They knew each other? I wanted to run up to him, but I knew he probably blamed me for his turning, so I stayed sulking on the sofa, trying to let the furniture swallow me whole.

"I can possibly help?"

There were gasps in the room as I looked back up from my feet. Lissa stared at Ivan as if he hung the moon, and he did. From my stories, anyone with half a brain could tell just how amazing he was. It looked like, at least Lissa had listened.

Ivan turned around and smiled, not a smirk or a smug curve of his lips, but a beautiful smile, and it was directed at me. Leaving the protection of the wall, he past everyone sitting down and launched himself over the back of the sofa I was half hidden on; just like he used to and sat next to me, pulling me to his side.

"How have you been D?" He purred softly, his lips caressing the shell of my ear causing a shiver to travel down my spine. Trying to calm my reaction, I lowered my head so no one could see me blush. "I am fine, what about you?"

Ivan laughed and shook his head. "Don't lie to me D. You are suffering, but there is no need to anymore, that I promise."

I raised my brow at him, trying to decipher clues from his eyes, but unlike in the past, he was a closed book. Pouting, I settled back into the cushion, relishing the feeling of Ivan being with me again no matter the context.

Tatiana stood, a soft smile gracing her lips. "I am sorry to cut these reunions short, but I need to speak to Guardian Belikov." Everyone nodded, respectfully and made movements to stand but were stopped by Adrian.

"Sit your arses back down."

Tatiana tsked at her great nephew before sighing. "Please do remain seated. Adrian told me that you would probably prefer your friends here for this." She called for Guardian Hans and, as if he were waiting for the signal outside of the doors, he appeared, but not alone. In walked Abe Mazur, the one man I had grown up fearing. I still hadn't come to terms that the woman I loved was the daughter of Zmey. Abe looked at Ivan and waved, biting back a smirk. "So, how was Italy Ivan? I heard you got tangled a couple of times."

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