Chapter 36

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Rosemarie Hathaway

It was over.

I stood there panting as I scanned my surroundings, majority of the Strigoi were dead and burning in piles around the battle field, and if they weren't, they were most definitely on their way to being so.

It was fun to play with the bastard that had been the cause of most of my pain throughout my life. He put up a fight, but sadly, it was not enough at the end of the day.

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As he rushed, he swung a powerful right. I met him halfway and lashed out with my own right. My punch was faster, and it caught the big man flush, but Victor took it on the mouth, spat blood, caught me, and hurled me into the dust with such force that a cloud of dust arose. I rolled over like a cat, gasping for breath, and just rolled from under Victor's driving boots as the big man tried to leap on me to stamp my life out.

"Even your daughter gave more of a challenge." I sneered at him as I lunged forward, picking my hands out of the dust, butting him in the chest. The would–be–king jerked up a stiff thumb, trying for my eye, but I rolled my head away and swung a left to the wind, and then a driving right with my stake that ripped into Victor's neck, starting a shower of blood.

"You BITCH!" He roared, letting my words get to him. "I will enjoy draining you, your two boy–toys and parents. I had always lusted over Janine."

Everyone watching gasped, I knew their thoughts. They thought Victor was toying with me. They thought that he was being needlessly cruel. My left foot moved to the centre which caught Victor's attention, if my plan worked, making him think I had made a mistake. Bad footwork, such a mistake that it would take me a heartbeat longer to recover from leap, which had been intended to confuse him and hide the second stake shift.

Victor shifted his hand, curling it up into a fist in a blurred motion, slipped sideways and thrust upward where my chest was descending – then away to watch me crumble.

But there was where the problem was. Never celebrate your victory until it was confirmed. Noticing his fist at the last second, the darkness within me reared up like a pissed off viper; grasping Victor's fist and twisted it, causing him to fall like a limp rag, face down. I landed on top of him, gasping for breath as I began to glow.

An eclipse was thought to swallow the sun, well the darkness brought forth from dying swallowed anything in order to protect its host. My veins glowed with a shade darker than night, golden spots sparkling very similar to stars until my whole body was encased by an onyx hue. The obsidian erupted much like fireworks, black tendrils spread down from me and into the man I held down.

"You failed, just like all those before you."

He exploded. The terror that had plagued many of us became nothing but flesh and pools of blood. Pieces of him flew through the air, hissing and splattering around the entire field like splotches of red paint instead of a Strigoi who thought himself better than others. All that was left was his dead eyes stared out like beads of dark glass.

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My eyes searched for my loved ones. Ivan and Dmitri had been fighting together the last time I had seen them, while Eddie and Christian had teamed up after I had left him to deal with Randall and then Victor. I knew my father wouldn't let Janine fight on her own, my parents were the perfect team. I had seen them battling against Randall after I had thrown the bastard away. I had wanted to kill him slowly and painfully but in the end of the day, Abe could dish out just as bad as I could. Father like daughter I suppose.

A scream from my left caught my attention. There on the ground was Baba with Janine hugging him, wailing to the sky. Running over to them I feared the worst. The man on the ground was almost unrecognisable. I had almost mistaken him for someone else if it weren't for the old man's blasted scarf. Crying, I skidded to my knees beside baba, pulling him out of my distraught mother's arms and held him close to me.

"Let him go!" Janine screamed; her eyes hazy as she launched out unseeing just who I was. "Let my husband go! I will kill you Strigoi!"

Suddenly thick arms that I knew all too well, wrapped themselves around my mother, yanking her away from me. Nodding to Dmitri, I sat my father back down and ran my hands down his body, seeing exactly what ailed him. He had several broken bones in his body, but my main fear was the blood that was surrounded his body like angel wings and a halo.

Closing my eyes, my hands started heating up as I healed him. I could sense Dmitri and Ivan standing behind me with Dmitri still holding my mother back. They were protecting me while I healed Baba. My eyes glowed as the wind picked up around us. Janine's screams turned into whimpers as she slowly came to recognise who was holding her and who I was as I continued to heal my father. The blood started to run back up his body, seeping into his skin to replenish what he had lost. The skin glued close, as his wounds closed and healed as his bones snapped back into place. One of his ribs had punctured his lungs; but that was healing up nicely, whereas the wound to the back of his head began to worry me the longer the healing took.

Just as the last inch of broken skin had healed, there was a screech from behind us. I turned just in time to see a strigoi that we had somehow missed, launch at Dmitri. The two of them tumbled to the ground, with Janine leaping out of his embrace just before she could be taken down as well.

Snarling I twirled around and came face to face with a woman I was surprised was still alive. The little whore from Galina's hell was standing in front of me, her red eyes glaring at me with such hatred, as blood that smelt familiar to me, dribbled down her chin.

"Irina, I am surprised to see that someone thought you were a good enough fuck to be worth turning!"

She roared at me as she jumped towards me but Dmitri having recovered the initial shock intercepted her. The pair of them went sailing behind us. Anger built up in me as I picked up Baba and almost slammed his completely healed body into my mother's arms.

"Take him and get out of here!" I yelled as Ivan and I ran to where we last saw the enraged Strigoi and our lover.

Ivan Zeklos

The scream that left Roza was heartbreaking. It wrenched at all hearts that were near. Her eyes turned black as she stared at the broken form of Dmitri.

The wind picked up, raging as it felt the fury of its mistress. The sky darkened and thunder clapped, as if it was rooting for us. If I closed my eyes, I could almost hear the beat of the famous song by Queens. 'We will Rock You' filled my ears as lightning struck and the earth crumbled underneath us all. I watched in slight fear, but mainly awe as the flora twisted around all the remaining Strigoi while the air was ripped from them, forming into a tornado, which descended on the frozen Strigoi.

I wasn't the only one who stood there watching as all those who had once threatened our lives were destroyed. Most of them had been eliminated during the battle, but there were still many stranglers. 'Well not anymore... thank you mother nature.'

Meanwhile there was a bright light that fell on all the Moroi and dhampir that were injured, healing them all instantly, all except for Dmitri. Rose fell to her knees screaming as she crawled towards the first man who had ever captured both of our hearts. Joining her, I growled with heartbreak and anger as I took in the sight of him. His long hair was matted and stained red as it stuck to his skin. His once beautiful, tanned skin was now lacerated and bleeding, in fact you could barely see any skin through the amount of blood that caked his body. His arms and legs were twisted and bent in ways that weren't possible or were thought not be to possible. His head was rested to the side, displaying the killing blow. That suka Rose called Irina had successfully torn his throat out.

Speaking of said suka, there she laid with the very stake that I had gifted Dmitri when he had graduated and was assigned as my guardian. I was very shocked that he still had it. She may have killed Dmitri, but like the God he was, he didn't go without dragging her to hell with him. 

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 10, 2023 ⏰

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