Chapter 9

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Dmitri Belikov

I stood before the Queen as she sat in her chair watching as all those behind me murmured amongst themselves. Today was the last day of my trials, they were deciding whether to give me back my guardian title and stature back. I didn't care, after everything that happened, and I wasn't talking about my time as a Strigoi, I knew I didn't deserve to be given it back. Yes, I may have been turned forcefully and had no intentions of being an evil creature of the night, but my actions after being returned were just malicious as any actions during my time as a nightmare.

Lissa and Christian had been by my side the entire time, something that I hadn't expected. The only answer that I had gotten whenever I had asked was that it would have been what Roza had wanted. That made me smile, they were such good friends to Moya lyubov'; she may not have been close to her family but that didn't stop her from making her own. One that I had been honoured to have been part of until I screwed it up royally.

Sighing I watched as Head Guardian Hans Croft stepped up to the podium and cleared his throat. Almost immediately the room quietened down, a pin could have been heard dropping in the now silent room. All eyes including my mine were trained on Croft and the Queen as they softly conversed. Turning to face us all, Croft asked me to step up to them, and holding back I fear I did as I was asked.

"Mr Belikov after several tests and hours of questioning, we have deemed you a Dhampir again and you will be given your title back, along with all the pay you would have received if you had not been turned."

The room went into an uproar as many of the royals saw the last part as obscene and ridiculous. Certain royals would have us Guardians penniless, without pay for what they thought was our given right- guarding them. A penetrating glare from the Queen, Tatiana made the room grow silent again. From the corner of my eye, I watched as Christian smirked, and Lissa nodded approvingly at Tatiana's actions. Having the room now silent once more, Hans continued with his speech.

"You were previously the sanctioned Guardian of Princess Dragomir correct?"

I nodded, my voice clear and confident even if I wasn't. "Yes sir."

Hans' lips curled up into a half smile and he turned to face the queen again, this time she descended from her throne and joined Hans on the podium. Her face showed nothing, no sign of where this was going. I feared they were, even though they gave me my title back, going to stick me on paperwork or patrolling. I wasn't the only one, from where they were seated Lissa looked worried as her jade eyes scanned the room. However, on the other side of the room, Natasha looked pleased as if she knew what was happening. I prayed to the lord, to any god I could think of that Hans' next words weren't anything along the lines of Natasha being my charge. I know she wanted me desperately, she had tried for years, but there was no way I would willingly protect her, not if she was the last Moroi left on the planet.

Tatiana eyed the room, as her voice carried reaching all and everyone that were seated or standing. "From this day forth, Guardian Belikov will be the sanctioned Guardian of a certain special Princess. Now this woman has a remarkable heritage, she is the crowned princess of three families, the Ivashkov family, the Badica family and the Szelsky family. Not only is she the only Princess or Prince to be crowned for more than one family, but she is also going to be our queen once I retire."

The room went into chaos, the yelling and curses were loud and deafening. I hadn't been present for such a disagreeance in all my time as a Guardian. A Princess from three separate royal lines had never been heard of. Rufus Tarus stood up, his yells the loudest.

"This is absurd. No one can be crowned for more than one family; this is the law." His arrogant smirk wilted away quickly as Tatiana snarled at the man, her voice vicious.

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