Chapter 16

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Rose Hathaway

It was finally time. We had landed and waited for Baba and Pavel. It was a quick thirty minute or so drive to Court which was spent chatting and talking. Apparently, Adrian was a like child counting down the hours till we arrived. The thought had me laughing, but the cherry on top was the video and photos that Sydney sent me. They had me gasping for air as I tossed about on the seat, giggling till my jaw hurt.

Ivan and the others merely looked at me as if I belonged in a mental institution. Retaliating, I showed them the videos which ended up with Ivan and Lucas laughing like hyenas while Moira just shook her head in exasperation. We looked at each other and rolled our eyes at the two boys. They were supposed to be grown men, hell one of them had a son my age, but sometimes it was as if they were children. The old saying that Peter Pan never grew up, well that was them to a T. Their favourite motto was, 'Growing old is Mandatory, but Growing up is Optional.'

Sighing, I noticed the gates of the Court coming up and straightened up, my heart was racing as my breathes came out short and choppy. I groaned rubbing my head looking around as our car made it through, not bothering with parking near the visitor's centre, but continued all the way to the Palace where I was sure Adrian and Aunt Tatiana were waiting for us. I watched as the other three went pale simultaneously, Ivan just clenched his jaw while Lucas and Moira clasped hands together. One thing was for sure, they weren't alone in this, I was there for them and so will the rest of my gang. Well once they found out I was alive, that was.

The guardians escorted us, with Pavel in the front. Even though if majority of Court didn't know who he was, Pavel's work with Baba had made him a hard-worker and one that had been known for his dedication. The only others I knew with the titles that he had were Belikov. If I believed what the gossip of the Guardian Council said, I was apparently in the same list as Belikov and Pavel. The halls hadn't changed since the last time I had made this trek, the atmosphere had though. Last time I was afraid that the Queen was going to have me sent away; but instead, she wanted to get my opinion on Belikov's restoration. I watched as several more Guardians joined us and from under his cloak, Ivan looked nervous. He wasn't the only one; all of those who wore cloaks, which were Ivan, Lucas and Moira, and me; were panicking. I personally wished we could double back and escape back to the jet, but I had made a promise, and if there was anything honourable about me, it was the fact that I never break my promises.

Being ushered through the halls, I heard Adrian laughing from behind double doors that had always been a sign of an omen for me. Now these doors symbolised a changing to everyone's future. Baba turned around smiling at me suspiciously while Pavel handed him a jewelled box. Opening the lid, I was speechless as I stared at the most beautiful crown I had ever seen.

Baba smiled back at me, and whispered softly, "I have been waiting for the day where you could wear the crown of the Badica family. Now, you'll see that there are more gems than the Badica family."

I nodded. On the crown there were also the gems of the Szelsky and the Ivashkov families. Baba smirked, "We got this custom made, you are the reigning princess of all three families, you needed a tiara to symbolised that."

I shook my head in exasperation, then realised something. "Wait what? Tell me I'm not wearing that now!?"

Baba laughed and nodded, "Yes. Tati has your dress waiting for you inside."

"Baba, the whole group is in there," I pointed to the room. I could sense Lissa's presence and if she was there, then so were the rest of them

My old man just shrugged and pulled his phone out. From where I stood, I could hear the conversation. Baba was asking if her chamber had a back room with its own entrance. Tatiana confirmed that there was, and all our gear was already there waiting for us. That Guardian Croft was waiting for us already. I chuckled softly, rolling my eyes at the thought of seeing Hans again. I knew that he acted as though I was a thorn in his side, but he loved me in his own way. That much was evident by the searchers that he personally led, like I said Adrian kept me up to date with everything.

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