Chapter 9 You Better Watch Out

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The Convoy heading towards Crash Site Alpha were contacted over the radio.

Radio: General Kimball? We just got word from the away team.

Kimball: What's the news?

Radio: Well. . . Apparently, they found Santa.

And the entire row of vehicles came to a completely stop.

*Jungle Temple*

Rachel: Kimball's moving ahead with the assault. They should be reaching Alpha any minute.

Tucker: Then we gotta hurry.

Santa: I'm sure there is no end to your questions.

Emily: You have. . . no idea!

Church: Alright, let's not start foaming at the mouth here.

Emily: I can foam wherever I want to, thank you very much!

Santa: *clears throat* The legacy of my creators is scattered throughout the galaxy. Their history, their technology, all left behind for future species to discover. This planet, the one you've claimed as Chorus, was one of great importance. It is here that they kept some of their most valued treasures.

Tucker: What kind of treasures are we talking about? Like, Indiana Jones' gold mine of treasures? Aw, or is it some stupid metaphorical stuff like, "the real treasure was friendship the whole time!"

Ruby: I'd be. . . perfectly fine with either.

Santa: My creators bequeathed many gifts and you will find each locked away within a temple. Lavernius Tucker, you triggered the Temple Arms. With its power, you reactivated combat vehicles, weaponry, and a myriad of other technological marvels from a time long past. These are merely fractions of the gifts left behind by my creators.

Emily: That's amazing!

Tucker: So then, why'd you turn it off?

Santa: I encountered. . . an anomaly. The temples on this planet can only be activated by a key wielded by a true warrior. However, some time ago, one of my temples was meddled with.

Allison: Ah, I think we know who did that.

Caboose: Probably Space Pirates.

Allison: Ugh.

Santa: The temple was designed to create a defensive barrier around the planet by manipulating gravity. The meddlers managed to circumvent my security measures and partially activated the temple, giving them moderate control over the planet's gravitational field.

Caboose: Tell them how the elves are involved, Santa.

Church: He's talking about the tractor beams.

Santa: This act should have been impossible without the great key. Which brings me, to you.

He turned toward Ruby and Tucker.

Ruby/Tucker: Us?!

Santa: I sensed your keys' power at the Temple of Arms and allowed you to activate it. But when you did not respond in the voice of my people, protocol insisted that I bring you here for further testing.

Tucker: Sorry dude. Only language I speak, is American.

Ruby: You're an alien ambassador, Lavernius.

Tucker: Never said I was a 'good' one.

Emily: But why test us if they already have the swords? Or. . . keys.

Santa: Because my record states that the Great Key of this planet, has yet to be claimed.

Ruby: Oh crap. . .

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