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Hello! This is Hyunsoolee0828 back with another book! If you haven't check my other book, check it now! It's title is "Do or Not" inspired by PENTAGON's comeback.😏

So poison will be a sad story so I'll be warning you guys! You should prepare a tissue before reading this!

And that's it folks, hope you enjoy reading this story.😊💜

Edit: About my other fanfiction titled "Do or Not", I've decided to discontinue this book for some reasons. So forgive me for disappointing the readers, but look on the other side! I've release a new book! So that's it, I hope you understand and enjoy reading this book. And you have been warned! This story well be sad, and I'm going to warn you again.(~ ̄³ ̄)~

That's it! This authors note is getting longer!

-Author out-

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