Part 12

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He makes sure that Gyunghui is still asleep and unaware of his every move. He checks her for the last time, and Gyunghui was still in a deep slumber that makes him make his move. Once he make it sure, he carefully exited the house and went to the place where they'll spend the day with. Running, he soon arrived and saw the certain someone infront of the arcade, waiting for him. He smiled and fix his hair before approaching her.

"Hey! Sorry, did I make you wait?" He scratch the back of his head and smiled at her in an apologizing way.

"No, not at all. I just arrived her minutes ago." She response back with a small giggle.

"HAHAHA, okay. So... Shall we go?" He asked awkwardly and the both later entered the arcade.

Snapping some pictures from his phone without them knowing. He was following Junseo the whole time, and make sure that he didn't get caught and stay unknown. Standing up from the bushes that he was hiding awhile ago, smiling in satisfaction as he look at the pictures that he just took. Perfect. He thought as he admired the shoots and his masterpiece. He'll later send it to Gyunghui, keeping his promise to bring evidences with him.


She received another text from him once again today, and she was curious if what he told her is true. She's planning to confront him later on, but she thought it was a bad idea, and keeping quiet and pretend that she doesn't know anything sounds a good idea for her. She stared at their Convo and thought about it carefully.

Mad man:
Hey, guess what I discovered today.:-)

What is it?

Mad man:
It's not a good news, and I know it'll probably ruin your day.:-)

Just say it already!

Mad man:
Okay ², sheesh your hotheaded.

He sent a photo, and it was Junseo with a girl as they entered the arcade. She can't tell who the girl is, her back was facing the camera. With a sweet smile on Junseo's face, she knows that he enjoyed her company. It makes her clenched her jaw. She feel betrayed, angry and worried. Betrayed, because he promised that he'll only look at her and the only girl he'll love. Angry, because she can't accept that this is actually happening. And worried, because she thought of loosing him and completely replaced her with the girl in the photo. It'll make her go crazy. She decided to confront him later on.


Without knowing anything, Junseo, who just arrived home take off his shoes and put it to the shoe shelf. After that Gyunghui, who has been quiet and watch every Junseo's move, turn on the light that makes him scared to death.

"AHH! Gyunghui you scared me!" He exclaimed, touching his chest as he feel his heart is going to explode any minute. Gyunghui huffed and march her way to Junseo.

"Where have you been?" She asked him with a raised brow, crossing her arms as she waits for an accurate answer.

"I just went to the arcade." He said and it makes her eyebrows raise up, it was right.

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