Part 7

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"Hurry up!" Eunjoo said as he looked at a tired Junseo behind her, panting so hard as he tried his best to catch up with her. As soon as Junseo catch up with her Eunjoo went running again.

"Yah! Wait for me!" Junseo said in-between his breath. He found Eunjoo on the playground, with a two water bottle in her hands. He sat on the swing besides Eunjoo, still trying to catch his breath.

"Here." Eunjoo said and extended her hand for Junseo to get the bottled water. He accepts it and chugged the water in one go.

They have gotten closer ever since this past few days. They would always go and hangout together and they got everything in plan before actually going out. They have plan everything on what and where to go for the rest of the week, the two didn't seemed to mind tho spending eight hours a day with each other.

"Why did you suddenly want to do jogging?" Junseo said as he placed the empty water bottle on the ground, beside the swing.

"Of course to keep my body slim and to have a healthy body." She said as she looks at the kids, playing on the playground.

"Why dragging me if you can do it by yourself? Aigo, it was too hard for me." He said making Eunjoo chuckle and looked at him.

"It will be boring if I'll do it by myself." She said as she looked away and focused her attention back to the kids playing.

"Aigo, you really like me don't you?" He said jokingly then let out a chuckle, well Eunjoo didn't take it as a joke. Eunjoo froze and looked down on her shoes as she can feel her heart beating in a unusual pace. Whether she likes him or not, it's useless since he already had a girlfriend.

He went to play with the kids, leaving her alone on the swing. Eunjoo founds it cute by the sight of him and the kids playing together. His future wife will be so lucky to have him, Gyunghui is so lucky. Eunjoo unconsciously smiled, it makes it even harder for her to think and failed to understand, what is really Junseo to her?


Days have passed and it was still the same for him. Hyunggu doing his work diligently and working his a** off until midnight. He let out a sigh of relief as soon as he had finished and soon went home. He immediately plopped down on the bed, closing his eyes as thoughts started to corrupt his mind. Soon later he remembered something. He grabbed his laptop from the table, laying his stomach down as he use his elbows to support his weight. Checking his emails if Cube has responded back.

Yes, he didn't missed any opportunity and called the staff immediately. He thought that as soon as he calls the staff he can immediately start tomorrow as a trainee. Instead they let him send an audition video of him, showcasing his talent. But that didn't stop him, instead of giving up he continues, he has come to far to backed up now he has waited for this for his dream to come true.

Clicking sounds can be heard and he immediately know that it was Eunjoo's heels. The door open revealing Eunjoo with a poker face. She put her bag on the table then took off her heels. Soon later she also took off her earrings while doing it her phone suddenly vibrated on the table. She soon grabbed it and sat on the chair with a smile on her face. He tried to ignore it, but he feels like something was not right. He glance at her, she was typing on her phone with the brightest smile on her face. It made him think, who on earth would text her this hour? And who on earth can make her smile like that? Only he can, but why is she smiling like she just got her favorite candy? Maybe it's just her friends. Right, her friends. He was just being delusional and so he went back minding his own business.

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