Part 3

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Luggages to carry


Junseo stopped the car kilometers away from the bar as he brushed his hair in frustration. Gyunghui let out a deep sigh.

"This wouldn't happen if Hayoon didn't throw her heels on us!" Gyunghui gave Hayoon a death glare but Hayoon only rolled her eyes.

"Guys, calm down." Eunjoo tried to calm the tension between the two of them.

"No, you shut up Eunjoo." Gyunghui said then got out from the car. Junseo followed her afterwards.


Eunjoo had got home safely. But she was worried for her friends. Gyunghui and Hayoon is not in good terms. They aren't talking to each other. She thought of calling Hayoon but she must be in a bad mood and need some time to cool down her head.

She went to the kitchen to get some beer for her but the refrigerator was empty. She sighed as she thought that Hyunggu forgot to do groceries again. She wore her coat and sneakers then proceeded to the convenience store.

She didn't buy much, she only buy a bottle of beer, bags of chips and a gum. She went to the counter to pay for it. As she was busy fidgeting her fingers while her head is lowered, someone suddenly slammed it's hand on the table which makes her look up and saw the owners car which they accidentally broke the cars window. She hurriedly lowered her head.

"Is that it sir?" The casher asked him which is referring to a box of cigarettes which he slammed earlier. While Eunjoo was biting her lips nervously, she thought of running away but she can't just leave without paying for the groceries. That makes her no choice but to endure the hot atmosphere and stay still on her spot, feeling petrified by the thought of getting caught.

"Yes, make it quick." He said in a deep voice which sends chill down on Eunjoo's spine as she pays for the groceries then grab the bag and hurriedly exited the convenience store.

A sigh of relief escape from her mouth as she got out from the convenience store. She hardly cannot breath, infact she didn't realize she was holding her breath the whole entire time. When she saw the man exited his way from the convenience store she hurriedly started walking in a faster pace than usual as she pull up her hoody. She feels that someone was following her so she looks at her back then saw the guy from earlier, she looks away then tried to fasten her pace. Her lips were getting pale and her hands started to sweat and her grip tighten on the bag out of nervousness. She was nervous because she doesn't have the money to pay for it on how much cost they damaged. She was nervous on how would Hyunggu react on this as she doesn't want to put more luggage on his back. He has done a lot for her.

"Excuse me miss?" The guy said from behind that makes her walks faster as she knows who's voice was that. He keeps on calling for her until then when she saw the red light which means she can't cross the street. She lets out a shaky breath then lowered her head as she thought she can't run away from him.

"Miss, you-" the guy said while panting, trying to catch his breath. She closed her eyes as she thought of what will happen next. The guy rummaged from his pocket then took out a handkerchief.

"Miss, you drop your handkerchief." The guy said which makes her open her eyes and saw the guy handing her handkerchief waiting for her to accept it.

"Thank you." She said in a low voice then lowered her head. A sigh of relief escape her mouth, he didn't recognize her at all.

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