Part 9

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Eunjoo's flashbacks


Both Eunjoo and Hyunggu decided to move in together when they're in college and that day was today. She was excited and anxious at the same time, this will be the next chapter of her life, with Hyunggu. She makes sure to pack all her things and Hyunggu will picked her up later at 10. She checked all the boxes one last time to make sure that she didn't forgot something.

A beep was heard outside and she knows that he was here.


The both of them lay down on their bed as soon as they arrived on their new apartment. Eunjoo was jumping on the bed and she was clearly excited and happy earning a giggle from Hyunggu.

"Are you happy, Eunjoo?" He said as he wrapped his arms around Eunjoo's tiny waist.

"Of course I am, this will be a new chapter in our lives." She enthusiastically said, facing him as she pouts.

"A new chapter with you." Hyunggu said and kissed her hand. Eunjoo also kissed his hand making the both of them laugh.

"Let's start unboxing our stuffs." Hyunggu suggested and the both of them started moving.


They were happy together. They were happy living the new chapter of their lives together. Both Eunjoo and Hyunggu went to the same college so they still can keep in touch, doesn't need to travel kilometers away. Hyunggu was majored in arts while Eunjoo was majored in business, they can still talk during break. Today marks their 2nd anniversary since they move in together. Eunjoo was waiting for Hyunggu infront of the gate, holding her books tight as she leans on the gate. Soon later, a gloomy Hyunggu was approaching her. Her smile drop, worried of what could have made him this sad.

"What's wrong? Are you okay?" Eunjoo asks the gloomy Hyunggu who has been staring on the ground, can't even look at her.

Hyunggu looked at her with his gloomy eyes. "Mom..." He muttered.

"What, what about her?" Eunjoo asked as she rest her left hand on his right shoulder.

"Mom... D-died." Eunjoo was shocked by the sad news, her body was frozen and it was too numb that she can't even move. As she saw Hyunggu teared up she immediately make the first move and hugged him tight. She was sad, she doesn't have even the chance to meet her, to meet her mother-in-law. Even though she's sad she didn't show it, because he needs her the most right now. She needs to stay strong for him, for the both of them.


"Hyunggu-yah!" Eunjoo called him but didn't get any response. Eunjoo sighed and went to their closed room with a bowl of food on her left hand.

"Hyunggu-yah, you need to eat." Eunjoo once again called him but didn't get any response. She opened the door and found him laying down on the bed as he covered himself with blankets.

He has locked himself in the room ever since he receive the sad news. He doesn't want to go out and doesn't feel to do anything at all. It has been three days and he haven't eaten anything this past few days. As for Eunjoo, she struggled to make him get off from the bed and make him eat. But all of her attempts failed to, she grew more worried for him as time past by.

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