Part 8

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Who are you?


After that unexpected incident, he went to the said address where he'll meet him. He opens the door then scan the place. He found him in the corner, sitting while he was on his phone. He inhale and took heavy steps. He took the sit opposite him, gaining his attention as he put aside his phone with a smirk. Hyunggu can feel the adrenaline rushing through, he can't look at the man infront of him. That makes 'the man' puts a smirk.

"What's with you dude? You look tense." The man said with a chuckle, taking a sip of his drink.

He gulps then slowly look at him with terror. He struggled on what to say next or how to say it, meanwhile the man infront of him was confused.

"I..." He begins, "I don't have the money." He said then looked down.

"What?!" He flinched but somehow he has expected it.

"What the hell dude? I need that f**king money now!" He stood up as he brushed his hair in frustration, the other customers gaining their attention making Hyunggu flinched and uncomfortable.

"Please give me another week, and I promised, I will really pay you this time." He pleaded, clasping his hands together as he looked up to him with trembling eyes.

"No dude, I need that f**king money right now!" He said making Hyunggu flinched and closed his eyes as he sat back. He thought for awhile before making a decision.

"In that case, then just..." He inhaled before he continues, "Just take my car away." He said, gulping the lump on his throat. He was against by it, but he doesn't have any other choices but to give in. Meanwhile the other plastered a wide grin, satisfied by his answer.

"Well then it's settled, I'm easy to talk with." He said as he leans on the table, cannot hide the joy from his voice.


"Thanks for the new car." The man said before he accelerates the car and leaves Hyunggu alone. He watch as the car gets farther and farther until he cannot see it anymore. A sigh leaves from his mouth as he thought how cruel can the world will be.

Meanwhile, at the car. His other hand on the steering wheel, while the other rests on the cars window sill, he whistles a happy tone. Makes the car window slides down as he feels the air rushing in the car and feels the air slapping his face. His phone was ringing in his pocket then he let out a sigh. He answered the call and put it on a loud speak.

"Speak." He demanded to the guys on the other line.

"Boss, we did as what you said." The guy announced, making him put a smirk on his face.

"And? Do you have it?" He asked the guys.

"Yes boss, we have the money." The other guy responded.

"Great." He said then dropped the call. He throw his phone on the passengers seat as he plastered a wide grin.

That guy was an easy target. He let out a chuckle by the thought of how easy he was deceived.

Thanks to his girlfriend and his girlfriend's careless friends.

He knows it all along that it wasn't Eunjoo who broke his car. How? Well, he was there watching them from afar when the incident happen. He planned it all along. Eunjoo and Hyunggu didn't do something bad towards him, and he knows that. It's just he love to messed with people's lives, he wants them to see suffering. This wasn't the first time, infact he has done it many times. Most of them fall from his trap, while the others who is smart enough didn't. Seeing them suffering because of him makes him feel superior and he loves it. Infact, messing with people's lives is his occupation.

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