Part 6

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Nervous. He can feel his body trembling as he watch a group of friends dancing on stage from backstage. The judges, they had a stern face as they focused on the performance since they are the ones who'll judge it. Hundreds of people came to watch too making him more nervous.

Days have passed and Hyunggu wasn't feeling good ever since the fight they had. It has been awful for him, he can't focus on anything as he always zone out and thought about it. Today, the day that they've been waiting. They'll perform what they have been practicing for months. Today they will pour everything and leave without any regrets. He was worried, he's worried that he might messed up the performance. He was not in a good condition these past few days.

His dance mate tap his shoulder as he notice Hyunggu fiddling with his fingers and he knows that he was nervous. "Hey, you okay?" He asked him even though he know he's not.

He nodded then put a tight smile. "It's okay, let's do our best and leave without any regrets, ok?" He said and give his shoulder a squeeze. Hyunggu put a smile, nodding at his dance mate as he feels better by the support of his Hyung.

The host have called their name and they are the last to perform. They did a group hug before going on stage. They went into their positions and ready their selves.

Cheering can be heard, the audience clapping like a seal while the judges has a satisfying look on their faces. In the middle of performing, Hyunggu secretly glance at his teammates, by the sight of his hyungs having fun while performing making him smile, it makes him more happy by the audience's support they gave them.When the performance ended, they bowed to the audience and thanked them. As soon as they got on backstage they can finally breath and relaxed. By the response the audience gave them it makes them happy, knowing that they like the performance. The endless practice they had was all worth it.

Smiling at satisfaction, complementing each other on how good they did it makes Hyunggu smile, by the sight of his hyungs with a bright smiles they had on their faces.

Hyunggu get himself a bottle of water, someone suddenly tap his shoulder making him look back. It was his Hyung, smiling at him.

"You did a great job, Hyunggu." He told the younger as he wrapped his arms around the youngers shoulder.

"You did a great job too, Hyung." He returns the compliment then smiled at him.

All the teams were standing on stage including them. Nervous, because it's time to reveal who wins the heart of the audience nor the judges. Heads lowered down while their hands were clasped together.

"And now, we will know who will be the winner." The host said. A girl came on the stage then gave the golden envelope to the host, which is where the results are. Watching as he opens the envelope, it makes him nervous causing him to look down instead, anticipating and secretly praying for their team to win.

"And the winner is..." He tightly closed his eyes shut, ready to take the blame if they will lose. Actually he always thought that it's still not enough, he didn't do his best. He always practice when he had the chance to until he can't anymore, because he was afraid to messed up, to crushed his hyungs dream.

When there name was being called his body lit up, he's nervous was for nothing. The host congratulated them as he handed them the trophy with a money in it. The other teams also congratulated them. His Hyung handed him the trophy, he accepts it immediately with the brightest smile ever and happily waving it in the air.

They went on the backstage with the same energy, smiling and also laughing. They packed their things up, readying to leave.

"Hyunggu-yah." His Hyung calls him while he was busy packing his things.

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