Part 15

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A happy ending?



week has passed, Eunjoo and Hyunggu is now in good terms. Everyday he would visit her if he had the chance to, and not forgetting to bring Eunjoo her favorite dishes. It's because if he won't, then Eunjoo wouldn't stop whining and complaining as to why he forgotten to bring some. Day by day, he grew worried for her. Eunjoo is getting sadder everyday and started to lose hope, and hopefully it doesn't go to the point that she had given up. Once, he even caught her crying and that's why he tried harder, to be always there for her, to comfort her and assures her, as a friend.

"Hyunggu, is that you?" Eunjoo ask as soon as she heard the door creaked open. Hyunggu close the door before answering her question.

"Yes, it's me." Hyunggu faked a smile even though she can't see it, and that's a good thing, it's because she knew if he's not feeling good or hurt and she can't see that it's a fake smile. He sat on the chair besides her bed and put the paper bag on the desk.

"I've been waiting for you." Eunjoo whined, pouting. "Now, where's my food?"

He giggled before he gets the food that he just bought.

"Hyunggu, are you okay?" Eunjoo ask with a hint of worry, he has been quiet the entire time, that makes her question and she know something was bothering him.

"Ofcourse, why wouldn't I?" He response, putting aside the now empty container. Eunjoo sigh.

"Hyunggu, do you think I can see again?" Eunjoo's voice trailed off.

"Ofcourse, why did you ask?" He question back, worried for her as he noticed the tear that wants to escape from her eyes. Eunjoo sigh.

"I'm starting to lose hope." Eunjoo snorted, keeping her gaze down. "What if this is my fate, to get blinded and cannot see again?"

Hyunggu cups her cheek, wiping the tear that just escaped from her eyes. "No Eunjoo, there is still hope, you can see again, I promise. The doctors are trying their best."

Eunjoo look at her with her sad and shining eyes, "Promise?" Hyunggu kiss her forehead before responding, "I promise."

Eunjoo put a tight smile, as much as she wants to believe him, deep inside there's this feelings and telling her that she deserves this, a feeling of acceptance and is slowly losing hope.

Hyunggu look at the now snoring Eunjoo, slowly getting out from her grip. He caressed her cheek and soon stop, he needs to go to work and as much as he wants to stay, he can't. Closing the door as he walk to the hallways with a heavy heart. The doctor, happens to be passing by noticed him. The doctor looks at him with pity, walking towards him.

Hyunggu look up and saw the doctor. A tear just escape from his eyes and fix his gaze on the floor. "She's... She's starting to lose hope." He mumbles, looking up just to met the doctors eyes full with pity.

"She's starting to lose hope, doc. I'm, I'm trying my best to be there for her, to comfort her and assures her that she can see again." His voice broken and his vision blurry from all the tears, "I really tried. She deserves to see again, doc. Is there any other ways?" He asked, desperate and begging.

The doctor sigh, "There was one who's willing to donate his eyes, but the only problem is it wasn't compatible to Eunjoo's." The doctor breaths in and avoided his gaze, "So until now, were still looking for one."

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